Turnout is declining. Province, 59.8% voted. Masi Torello record at 71.4. Comacchio stops at 36.3

Turnout is declining. Province, 59.8% voted. Masi Torello record at 71.4. Comacchio stops at 36.3
Turnout is declining. Province, 59.8% voted. Masi Torello record at 71.4. Comacchio stops at 36.3

Ferrara responds present, although the general trend of voter turnout is decreasing. Both on the European side and on the administrative side. In the capital, for the European elections, 68.97% of eligible voters participated in the polls. At the provincial level, the figure does not break 60%, in fact we stop at 59.83. In Argenta, the turnout figure at 11pm reached 62.71%, while in Copparo there was 0.1% more. The highest figure is in Masi Torello (71.44%). Voghiera also did well with 70.31%. Comacchio black shirt at 36.37%. In the capital, for the municipal elections, after the polls were closed, 67.57 eligible voters voted, which places us in first place in Emilia-Romagna among the municipalities in which the administration was renewed. The provincial macro figure is lower: 65.05%. The regional average stops at 62.79 compared to a 2019 figure of 69.77%. Masi Torello is also at 70.96% for the municipal elections, consolidating its lead. Copparo stops at 61.96%, while Argenta is at 61.56%. Black jersey goes to Mesola with 57.41%. The European consultations, however, in our territory have always seen a good turnout. Let’s jump forward ten years: the famous 2014 European Championships. Well, the turnout at the provincial level was close to 70%, stopping at 69.06% (against a regional average which stood at 69.99 percentage points. These numbers are yes refer to the voters of the entire province of Este. However, it exceeded the provincial average – a fairly consolidated trend, even in other types of electoral consultations – reaching 70.69% with a total of 77,335 voters years ago, in 2019, voter turnout suffered a slight decline both at the provincial level and at the Emilia-Romagna level. However, compared to 2014, the latest electoral consultations gave the record of participation to Ferrara regional participation was 67.31 percentage points, in our province the participants in the vote were 67.99%. The capital municipality, in contrast to many other areas scattered throughout the province, recorded a figure that went against the trend, increasing by a few hundred. of units also the participants in those of 2014. As a percentage, in fact, in the 2019 European elections there were 77,744 voters which corresponds – in percentage value – to 73.04%. But let’s get to these consultations, which are recording an interesting surge in terms of voter turnout. At the provincial level, in fact, at noon yesterday 34.62% had voted, while at 7pm the figure jumped to 51.55%. In Ferrara, the situation is even more positive in terms of participation. At 12, in fact, 41.77% had voted while at 7pm, the wall of sixty had been broken: 60.32%. Administrative. Also ten years ago, the turnout for the administrative elections in the municipality of Ferrara stood at 69.68% (for a total, in numerical terms, of 77,220 voters). The centre-left mayor, Tiziano Tagliani, won and was elected with 41,205 votes. In 2019, there was a significant turnout discrepancy between the first and second rounds in terms of participation. In fact, 77,589 citizens participated in the first round, equal to 71.50% of those eligible. While in the second round which marked the victory of mayor Alan Fabbri, 67,166 citizens participated, reaching a percentage of 61.90% of the total eligible voters. Fabbri’s victory was sanctioned by the vote of 37,504 Ferrarese. In this round – voting is taking place in thirteen municipalities – at 12pm 39.17% of voters on a provincial scale had voted, at 7pm 56.81%. In the capital, at midday 40.93% of those entitled to vote had voted and at 7pm 59.10%.

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