The future of the industrial area according to the Massa Democratic Party council group

The future of the industrial area according to the Massa Democratic Party council group
The future of the industrial area according to the Massa Democratic Party council group

It took place yesterday in Massa, in the Hall of the Resistance in the Doge’s Palacethe meeting – conference organized by the council group of Mass Democratic Party on the strategic role of the Apuana industrial area in the immediate present and projected into the long-term future. “Our vision is totally opposite to that of Mayor Persiani’s administration – he said Claudia Giuliani, secretary of the Democratic Party of Massa – The industrial area must not open to commercial, but must remain manufacturing because a further opening to commercial would also bring negative effects on already existing realities such as the new Pignone which could also decide to leave the territory if surrounded by other activities. There are the conditions to incentivize and make our territory even more attractive and I am also thinking of the whole issue relating to land reclamation: unfortunately we have lost 24 million euros, but to keep our already quite fragile economic and social fabric alive, we must protect existing work and think about what type of work we want for tomorrow”. The president of the province Gianni Lorenzetti he explained: “The topic of the industrial zone is fundamental because the development of the city and of an entire community derives from it. In the last six years of center-right administration, we have not noticed a strategy behind the industrial zone. Indeed, we have noticed that we move forward on the impulse of requests that come from very particular interests and that we do not have an overall vision of where we want to take the industrial area which is not only in Massa but is a vast area and it must also include Carrara and what the port represents, those which are the spaces that belong to two cities. We are moving forward with even highly contested urban planning variations, trying to move the axis from manufacturing, which I think is fundamental, towards a commercial axis. There are two important variations underway and we are going in a completely wrong direction. There is a need for a strategic development plan. The Democratic Party did well to carry out an operation of clarity: we must point out to the outside world the difference between those who have done things and they can be seen, and those who, on the other hand, do not yet have a plan for this territory”.

“Today is an opportunity to underline a clear political direction, in which all of us recognize ourselves according to our own skills. – said the regional councilor Giacomo Bugliani – The interventions that preceded me were actually along a line that I myself share and the Tuscany region also shares. The clear choice made by the Democratic Party is that of a very precise identification of the industrial area. I want to address this topic from the side of the Region, referring on the one hand to the path that the municipality of Massa is taking at an urban planning level and on the other, taking into account what and what is the basic approach that the Tuscany region has given to the industrial area. The new structural plan, launched these days in Massa, is at a very general level of action such as that of framework planning of the structural plan itself which, objectively, does not say much. The new structural plan starts from the consideration that the right to work is fundamental and that it comes above all from a revaluation of industrial activity. Combine this statement of principle with the need to implement appropriate initiatives to revitalize this resource of our territory. Then there is an excerpt in the structural plan in which it is said, almost with a hands-off attitude, that it is not excluded that the industrial area could be used for other functions. We all opposed the choice of the variant, but the premises that emerge from the structural plan of the municipality of Massa seem to lead us on a path that goes precisely in that direction. I wonder how this is compatible with the aforementioned role that the president of the province illustrated a little while ago of the industrial area consortium which has an ancient order and which in particular in recent years has been the subject of a very important discussion because in 2015 it emerged the profound criticality from an economic point of view”.

“As the Democratic Party – concluded the doctor Elisabetta Sordi, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party – we believe that political and administrative choices have important consequences on the economic and industrial development of our territory. For this reason, initiatives like today’s, promoted by the PD of Massa, are precious moments for developing ideas and proposals, starting from the recognition of the strategic nature of urban planning to ensure our territory is competitive”.

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