The Province of Barletta Andria Trani will always remain my second home

The Province of Barletta Andria Trani will always remain my second home
The Province of Barletta Andria Trani will always remain my second home
“I leave the Province of Barletta Andria Trani with the conviction that it will always remain my second home, but also with the awareness of having given everything for a territory that has grown from different points of view”. So the Prefect Rossana Riflesso in this morning’s meeting in the Government Palace of Barletta with representatives of the media, a few days after his inauguration in the Prefecture of Avellino, as ordered by the Council of Ministers in the session of last May 6th. “It is an improved province first and foremost in terms of security, order and public safety and the fight against organized crime – he has declared the Prefect -. A province that has recorded a notable decrease in all crimes in these two years, starting with car theft, an atavistic plague of this territory, up to predatory crimes in agriculture, which we have managed to combat effectively thanks to brilliant control strategies planned within the Provincial Committee for Order and Security Publish. The visit and the commitments made last November by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi were followed by events, with the increase in the number of police forces which are making our security garrisons increasingly adequate for the control of the territory with a view to well-being collective and the improvement of the quality of life of the community”.

“In less than two years – goes on the Reflected Prefectwe have promoted many initiatives and activities, renewing and adapting the Urban Security Agreements of all the municipalities which are allowing, among other things, the strengthening of video surveillance systems in the municipal areas affected by situations of degradation and illegality; through further protocols we have guaranteed greater security within pharmacies, often the subject of numerous robberies, more streamlined procedures for the treatment of people reported for drug addiction and the socio-work inclusion of foreign citizens in vulnerable conditions. We have strengthened the Civil Protection system, approved the Civil Defense Plan (which indicates the procedures to be followed to deal with possible terrorist attacks) and carried out incessant work for the completion of the peripheral State Offices, such as the Education Office Provincial, for whose birth we have practically reached the home stretch”.

“Another aspect of which I am particularly proud – adds the Reflex Prefectit was the commitment made every day to spread an ever greater culture of legality throughout the entire community: we did this alongside the Dioceses, the Local Health Authority, the world of schools and associations, promoting numerous initiatives whose results could perhaps be long-term crops”.

“Everything that has been done – he then concluded Reflex Prefectit was possible thanks to an institutional synergy that represents the flagship of this territory and the best legacy for the future. To all the citizens of the province of Barletta Andria Trani, of which I will never stop feeling like an integral part, the most sincere thanks for the welcome given to me and the best wishes for the future”.

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