Reggio Calabria, the students of IC Telesio simulate a trial

Once again theIC “B. Telesio” of Reggio Calabria stands out as an institute that pays particular attention to detail and helps its students discover what lies behind what is seen. Saturday 4 May Last year, the students participated in a sort of role play, a real simulation of a juvenile trial that does not stop at the trial phase but also looks at the causes that lead a young person to transgress so much that they end up outside the law.

What’s behind a trial? Many procedural procedures but above all a process of errors, mostly at an educational level, which sometimes lead almost naturally to the drama of the offence. The Project demonstrated to the children, but also to the teachers and experts who took part in it, how, at times, the transition from an apparently stupid violation of a simple rule can lead to situations so complex as to appear almost irrecoverable.

But what are really the situations with no way back? Exist? The Telesio students, after having impersonated the various roles that animate a court, and having understood what leads to error, have consequently understood the importance of cohesion, mutual respect and solidarity towards those who, apparently for reasons previously incomprehensible, they look for a path to life in crime. How to act and what to do when faced with someone who steals, someone who bullies or someone who hurts themselves? The kids, after understanding the causes that lead to such attitudes, had no doubts and focused on re-education and re-socialization.

The project

The Project “CIAK… a simulated trial to avoid a real trial”now in its IX Edition, a duly filed project, conceived by President Trovato and implemented in Calabria and other regions of Italy by the Ciak-Formation and Legality Association – of which Dr. Roberta Mallamaci is President – and also thanks to the contribution of Callipo Group, of the CARICAL Foundation, of the ANM (National and of Catanzaro) and AIMMF (of Catanzaro and Catania) who have shared its educational and training purpose for years.

The participation in the aforementioned Project was strongly supported by the school director Marisa Guglielmina Maisano, who renewed her membership and participation in the proposal of the Ciak Association, in the person of the Honorary Judge of the Juvenile Court of Catanzaro, Dr. Dr. Roberta Mallamaci. More current than ever are the issues underlying this project which aims to combat the phenomena of bullying, cyberbullying and discrimination, all related to the distorted use of technologies and social media, through the simulation of a juvenile trial which was held at the Juvenile Court of Reggio Calabria.

This year’s news

The novelty of this year, which constitutes a source of pride for the B. Telesio Institute, is the debut of the fifth classes Sections A and B of the Plesso G. Ciraolo Primary School, led by the teacher Rosalba Verduci and the team of all teachers of the classes involved, through a simulation of the juvenile trial concerning the script entitled “The Mask”. The pupils of the ICB Telesio Primary School were the pioneers regarding the Ciak project in the province of Reggio Calabria and the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the “little protagonists” were truly contagious and commendable.

And after the students of the Primary School it was the turn of the “veterans” of the III A and IA classes of the Lower Secondary School, led by the teacher Carmela Antonia Alati and the other teachers of the classes involved. The secondary school students, on the other hand, created a simulation of the juvenile trial, staging the script entitled “A Crazy Gym”, based on the theme of drug use by adolescents.

The meeting and the protagonists

The meeting took place in the presence of Dr. Roberta Mallamaci and Dr. Sabina D’Alessandro for the Ciak Association – Training and Legality, who coordinated the work, speaking with the students during the various phases of the simulation , providing valid food for thought on measures aimed at re-education and re-socialisation of the offender. Also present were the Deputy Prosecutor, Dr. Angelo Gaglioti (who took the time to extend greetings from the Prosecutor Dr. Roberto di Palma) and the GO Dr. Giuseppe Marino, at the Juvenile Court of Reggio Calabria, who discussed with the students the issues covered by the simulation, focusing on the tasks of the Juvenile Court, and, more generally, placing emphasis on the centrality of the role of minors.

All the students actively participated in the Project, guided by their teachers and by the Institute Representative for Citizenship and Legality Margherita Ligato, and have amply demonstrated that they have acquired awareness regarding the issues of legality and civil coexistence, implementing the rules of process, in all its phases and in the conduct of the procedural process. Particular attention was given to the institution of probation in the context of juvenile criminal proceedings, the so-called. “MAP”. The students took on the various roles, skillfully interpreting the PM, the President of the Court Panel, the injured person, the lawyer, the social worker and so on, all in the presence of an exceptional audience: “the family members” of the students, who attended in large numbers, with interest, attention and active involvement on the part of Dr. Mallamaci and D’Alessandro. The relevance of the topics covered, through the exemplification and the final phase of the simulation, represented a moment of training and legality, connected to the problems inherent to minors, to the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying.

We cannot fail to underline that the experience of the trial simulation in a Courtroom becomes a moment of reflection for the students who have the opportunity to actively experiment with “legality”, representing the “example to follow”, especially in this particular and delicate historical moment. And this is how projects and initiatives such as “Ciak” become “opportunities” to be seized immediately, the so-called. “good practices” to be implemented daily and not just on special occasions. The Director Marisa Maisano and the students and teachers of ICB Telesio therefore give you an appointment with the Ciak project, see you next year!

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