“We played the game we wanted to play. In Syracuse we have to repeat ourselves to win”

“We played the game we wanted to play. In Syracuse we have to repeat ourselves to win”
“We played the game we wanted to play. In Syracuse we have to repeat ourselves to win”

Bruno Trocini, coach of Reggio Calabriaspoke to Video Touring during Mezzogiorno Amaranto following the success on the Vibonese field:

Objectively we played the game we wanted to play, we faced an opponent who was good at dribbling and we didn’t want to suffer it. The boys were exceptional in fighting from first to ninetieth, with great desire, cohesion and in a diligent manner“.

Adds Trocini: “Why not like this for the whole season? It’s not easy at all, we tried often during the season and they often got punctured. There are many factors to get to play in this way, first of all the knowledge between the players, then everyone’s physical growth and the mental aspect are needed. The fact of playing amidst distrust and criticism may also have had an impact on being able to express a certain type of football. Then it is a championship in which strong teams must not be allowed to play“.

On the Syracuse match: “We can’t help but repeat a performance like yesterday’s. They are a great team that stood up to Trapani. May-Alma? They can be contained with a great team effort, attention and concentration are needed“.

On some singles: “In addition to Barillà, great praise must be given to Mungo and Porcino, especially the three of them won it. They carried the team along, when there is a midfield like this anything is possible“.

On young people: “Asking for consistency in performance from the younger guys is not easy, Cham, Provazza and some others had their period of slowing down. Perri played the game he had to play, in the non-possession phase he was attentive and with the ball he showed some shots from his repertoire“.

On Renelus: “I’m sorry I can’t put him on the field, but he has such strength and tears that can be devastating. It’s a card we can play during the race. I put him at the center of the attack because they started to put balls forward and I thought I could take advantage of his speed, but he seemed a little lost in that role. Three attackers without a center forward? It could be a solution, it needs to be worked on“.

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