«Chaos in Cosenza for the emergency-urgency competitions. Intolerable sloppiness of the center-right”

«Chaos in Cosenza for the emergency-urgency competitions. Intolerable sloppiness of the center-right”
«Chaos in Cosenza for the emergency-urgency competitions. Intolerable sloppiness of the center-right”

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«Administrative confusion erupted after the creation of Azienda Zero, Occhiuto intervenes»

Published on: 13/05/2024 – 14:10

COSENZA «While President Occhiuto and his majority continue to talk about revolution and epochal progress for Calabria, our Region sinks into the Istat indices linked to poverty and every day he has to face a new and serious problem caused by administrative superficiality of the centre-right. The last case is registered at the Asp of Cosenza, where we are witnessing the blocking of insolvency procedures after the administrative confusion that erupted following the creation of Company Zero». I say it councilors of the PD group in the Region That they ask Commissioner Occhiuto to «intervene without delay to resolve a bureaucratic issue that risks compromising the functioning of the emergency-urgency in the area”. «As far as what also transpires in the press – say the Dem exponents – the new intricate administrative question was posed by the same regional attorney’s office which raised doubts on the legitimacy of the delegation of functions conferred to Azienza Zero at the Asp under management De Salazar. As a final result of the bureaucratic mess, the rescue drivers who passed the regular competition are waiting and have been in limbo since last January, as it is not clear which company will be responsible for the new staff. And the same fate could befall nurses who, shortly, should always be recruited to provide answers to the staffing problems of the emergency-urgency network.” «We have been saying this for a long time now – conclude the PD councilors – but we cannot tolerate this administrative sloppiness of the center-right any longer which continues to create problem after problem. Instead of giving vent to social media trumpets, the president and commissioner Occhiuto should immediately clarify the matter and work with his office to resolve an internal dispute that was not really felt necessary.”

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