Branko’s horoscope for June 8, 2024

ARIES So rebellious, so charming. Great force of attraction, but then you have to keep what you conquer. Jupiter stimulates far-reaching achievements, initiatives are supported by a good dose of luck. There is a bit of agitation, due to the Moon, which extends to professional collaborations, family and the environment as a whole, rather lively contrasts with the “bosses”. But the influences as a whole are of great resonance. Success and happiness are within reach, “be calm”… some would say. Last Mars in the sign, passion and jealousy.


TAURUS A crowd of people around you, intelligence helps you identify the right one, who will open that iron door called success. Every initiative will be rewarded! Interesting news in the financial field, but follow your personal line of action and take into account the expenses you will have to face on the first day of summer. A new influence on passion is coming, tomorrow morning you will wake up with Mars in your sign, Moon brings you a gift of love today.


GEMINI You can’t lose! This is the right season to make your world safe and strong. Work, career, affections. Do as much as possible, you have the extraordinary protection of the Sun and Jupiter, everything is born on solid foundations. The day is a treasure chest of possibilities, you will make an excellent impression everywhere. Called to act as arbiter in very delicate discussions between various collaborators and even between relatives. Love: The excitement begins at sunset and lasts until dawn tomorrow.


CANCER The Moon dances happily in the sign, watched from afar by Saturn and Neptune, two extremely good aspects for professional and financial matters, even outside the usual context. Another gift from these stars: if you have problems, you can discuss them with older, experienced people. Differences in the family, with children, on the use of money. Instead, hard situations in love life are expected, with a flavor of the forbidden, encounters like Ibiza or Mykonos.


LEO Moon makes you feel a little impulsive but not irrational, you can deal with all those issues that you haven’t yet managed to settle, even in your personal life. But in anticipation of the disturbance of Mars in Taurus, which begins tomorrow morning, we recommend clarifying the position you have in the work environment, relations with the authorities. Since you are an authority yourself, monitor the employees. Jupiter will give you the visa to move on, even in love. It depends only on you.


VIRGO Breathe deeply, the Moon has moved into the sector of great encounters, it forms a lively aspect with Uranus in Taurus and tomorrow Mars will also be in the same position. Home, family, land, even your spouse’s property, are the issues you will have to deal with before the summer. That rose that you couldn’t pick in May will have a new bloom on the 14th under the first quarter and also on June 22nd under a spectacular and passionate full moon. Very relaxing.


LIBRA The health of all of us is always affected by the Moon and the influences it forms with various planets, today it is in a disturbing aspect for your sign, since Cancer primarily affects the stomach, be careful with food, especially if you are away from home. However, you have Neptune on your side which makes the treatments effective, but the real relief will be brought tomorrow by Mars which becomes a friend of Taurus. As far as business, study, career, travel, love, meetings are concerned… you are at your most seasonal.


SCORPIO Changes and progress especially in the professional field, but there are also surprising innovations in love life, Moon in Cancer is able to cause “miracles”. As you make plans for the future, take into consideration Mars passing through the sign of Taurus tomorrow, a critical opposition for your partnerships. However, this does not exclude the formation of new agreements and new societies, all your meetings are favored by lucky stars, such as Jupiter and Venus. Today you have to run, run and take everything. The heart dictates its law, follow love.


SAGITTARIUS Brightening in a distant but friendly sky, where a slightly fanatical but definitely friendly Moon travels, if you think of winning someone sentimentally-sexually. The word will spread quickly: Mars last 24 hours in Aries makes you competitive in the field of eros. It gives you strength and optimism to overcome the barriers in the practical field that others put in your way. If necessary, make a short trip. Relax in the countryside, in a house in the middle of flowering fields. Culture: Greek poems, music, art exhibitions.


CAPRICORN Get away from the madding crowd! Moon severe with you and with your health, you will get back into shape with a short beach holiday – since you have such a beautiful Neptune – together with your love. The appeal of the senses is overwhelming. You dream of a Dionysian, irresistible, jealous love… It is impossible not to love each other under this sky, rich in influences also for business, study and activity. Tomorrow morning Mars begins a providential transit in the sign of Taurus, it will also bring luck in your profession.


AQUARIUS What a beautiful sky! This Saturday is worth remembering, it opens with the Moon in Cancer which is excellent for work and other practical and financial matters, given that from tomorrow Mars in Taurus will require a lot, probably new family expenses. The new thing you want to create requires solid and stable foundations, don’t follow the paths beaten by others, move forward alone. Mercury is beautiful for activities that require mental acuity, originality, ingenuity. Good luck is represented by Venus and Jupiter, in love and loved as you are now, you have never been. Happy Birthday.


PISCES Once the stress of the new moon has passed, today the same Moon transits in Cancer, in the highest point of your sky, that of love and luck… Take a first step towards a new income or a new professional position, but also in search of a new love if alone.

You are at the beginning of an existential transformation that will be more visible after June 22nd. The mind and heart are moved by a beautiful creative wave of Neptune, as big as a universe. Does Leopardi’s infinity mean anything to you??

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