Fil Rouge Project’s activity in Catania

Claudia Cannizzo and Marta Di Mauro are the founders of Fil Rouge Projecta hybrid reality between art gallery, auction house and cultural hub born in Catania in 2023 thanks to the tender I’m staying in the South. With purchase and sales services (both online and in person), exhibitions, talks, workshops but also festivals and events of various kinds, FRP presents itself as a cultural reference point for the Sicilian city by hosting emerging Italian and international artists and putting them in contact with the territory.

The headquarters of Fil Rouge Project and the first inaugural exhibition

It opens with an exhibition dedicated to artists of Sicilian origin or currently resident in Sicily the new headquarters of Fil Rouge Project in via Firenze 229 B/C. New Life (until May 31, 2024), this is the title of the exhibition, represents the starting point for a dedicated project rooted in the Sicilian territory, with the aim of giving space to local authors or those who have chosen the island as their place of choice. The theme around which the exhibition is built is recycling of materials and wasteto which the artists give new life between creation and sociocultural and environmental criticism: “the use of these objects which already in themselves represent the antithesis of beauty, and embody the idea of ​​a material associated with waste and degradation, is a way for artists both to try new, less “institutional” techniques and to talk about the abuses and abuses of nature and the environment. But not only that, also to show other possible ways for this material that has become “useless” after its use, through an ecology and awareness-raising perspective”, explain the two founders.

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The artists invited by Fil Rouge Project for the first inaugural exhibition

I am Ciccaboom (Chiara Ciccarello), Gabel (Gabriele Raimondo), KING (Emanuela Ravidà), Simon Trogger And Tamara Marino the artists invited to participate in New Life, each protagonist with a personal interpretation of the proposed theme, spokespersons of a necessary return to nature, in a renewed balance with the territory, between video art, painting, sculpture and video installations. “In this exhibition the artists, each in their own way, express this thought and embody the desire to reuse various objects, waste and materials, to give them new life, proposing a metamorphosis of their value and meaning”, continue Cannizzo and Di Mauro.

The “New Life” exhibition by Fil Rouge Project in Catania

Ciccaboom presents a video installation accompanied by images of a previous traveling project started in Berlin, focused on the recycling of materials and building and environmental sustainability. Gabel reflects on the relationship between man and nature, criticizing the former’s irresponsible attitude towards the environment, with a sculptural work made with recycled materials and which embodies spirituality and connection with the Earth, while RE exhibits works made with recycled plastics and chemical materials used. Simon Troger presents sculptures that denounce the overbuilding of the landscape and Tamara Marino, finally, with two video installations narrates personal experiences in problematic contexts, critical both towards society and the environment.

Caterina Angelucci

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