Fabris “extraordinary results in Italy and abroad”

The president of the Women’s League, interviewed by Pasquale Di Santillo, retraces the triumphal season of Italian women’s volleyball which achieved success in the European Cups and had sensational response from the public for the A1 series championship

ROME-With Conegliano’s triumph in the Champions League, the clubs’ long season also ended in women’s volleyball and Starting Six, to comment on what was a triumphal 2023/2024, invited comments on the successes of the Italian teams, who put in also the Challenge Cup with Novara and the Cev Cup with Chieri, signing a sensational en plein, the president of the women’s league Mauro Fabris interviewed by Pasquale Di Santillo. The number one of the consortium of top companies, in addition to giving due praise to our teams for what they have done on the international field, wanted to underline how the season was exceptional from all points of view, also with regards to the championship, both on a technical level, both for the public who packed the arenas and for the media interest aroused. A particular focus from Fabris on the Conegliano ‘phenomenon’ which represents a model not only for Italy but for the entire global volleyball movement. The final reflection on the national team for which as president of the League he wishes the best luck in this long summer which will have to lead to the Paris Olympics, underlining, however, once again, the complex relationship between the Italian activity and that of the clubs, in his say heavily penalized by a calendar forcibly compressed into just six months precisely to give space to the Italian teams.

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