Don Ciotti to the students of Agnone: «Don’t be professional complainers, get busy»

«The territory of the diocese of Trivento he needs you young people like the earth needs rain. Because you are the present and the future of this piece of Molise land abandoned by those who should take care of it.” The indictment, however, is full of hope and trust placed in the young generations, in the students of Agnone in particular, it is from don Alberto Contiparish priest of Castelguidone and director of the diocesan Caritas of Trivento, who organised, together with the management of the “Leonida Marinelli” institute, a meeting, or rather a chat with Don Luigi Ciottifounder of “Free” he was born in “Abel Group“, a priest in the trenches against mafias and crime, but above all against injustice and the denial of the rights of the individual even before that of the citizen.

Prosecutor De Lucia last summer in Castelguidone, guest of the Caritas of Trivento

«Thanks to Don Luigi – continued Don Alberto Conti – who despite his many commitments wanted to be here with us and with you students here in Agnone. His example of life teaches us to come out of our hypocrisies and indifference and above all to live a cross-eyed solidarity: that is, having one eye on people and the other aimed at understanding what’s behind them, to investigate and find the causes of their discomfort, their fragility, injustices, pain, tears. Last summer we hosted the arresting prosecutor Matteo Messina Money– continued Don Conti – Dr DeLucia he invited us to be vigilant also in this land of ours between Abruzzo and Molise. The Prosecutor concluded his speech with these words: “Everyone, in their own lives, must do their own duty. This means defeating the mafia and the desire for the mafia.”

«Don Luigi Ciotti’s whole life was spent against the mafias, against every form of corruption, and alongside people in need, in favor of social justice. – explained the head teacher Old menintroducing the illustrious guest – Our students have already addressed, in the context of studies on civic education, the issues of the fight against addiction and corruption, which must find significant space for discussion and study in schools, to understand to young people the importance of their contribution to building a better world”.

Theories and studies that become daily practice thanks to the life example of Don Luigi Ciotti. The anti-mafia priest, already under guard after receiving death threats, certainly did not shy away from the confrontation and answered the many questions of the young students of Agnone, attentive, prepared and passionate. «We must not become, all of us, i complaint professionals, – explained Don Ciotti addressing the students – those who must always and only complain, but in the journey of life gradually begin to take on our share of responsibility». The daily commitment, therefore, even in small things, to change the world starting from one’s own life, without limiting oneself to the passive and alibi-seeking attitude of those who only know how to complain. Roll up our sleeves and take, each our own, one small step at a time, to stem and erase inequalities and injustices; This, in a nutshell, is Don Ciotti’s lesson to the students of Agnone.

«Wars, injustices, ecological catastrophes must not scare you or make you lose faith. – added the priest – Because you are the protagonists of the era of new technologies and therefore you have all the tools but you must use them in the right way. You have all the skills and tools to be part, which is different from simply feeling part of society. Of course, fragility is part of the natural path of life. Don’t be afraid of feeling fragile, sometimes lost or crushed by some mechanisms according to which what matters is only success or performance. Becoming aware of your own fragility is a sign of freedom and intelligence. Those who become aware of this are able to better understand the fragility of others. So, what I can’t do, you will do; what even you can’t do, another person will do. Only in this way will you be able to build that “we” that is so important and fundamental.”

It’s a little there hive logic, the superorganism so complex and fascinating, as well as indispensable, where each little bee only and simply does its duty, among other things without anyone asking it expressly, almost by instinct; the sum of the efforts of all the bees contributes to the general well-being and very survival of the hive. Here is the instinct for the common good, which passes through the assumption of responsibility and commitment of the individual; This is Don Ciotti’s final teaching to the young generations of Agnonesi.

Francesco Bottone

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