Pro Loco Monte Taburno in Sant’Alfio in Sicily for a twinning for the Cherry Festival – NTR24.TV

Pro Loco Monte Taburno in Sant’Alfio in Sicily for a twinning for the Cherry Festival – NTR24.TV
Pro Loco Monte Taburno in Sant’Alfio in Sicily for a twinning for the Cherry Festival – NTR24.TV

“Joining forces, discussing, learning, pursuing objectives of common interest were the key words that led us on our journey to a small town on Etna, Sant’Alfio. The large family of Italian Pro Locos has once again brought us to know an extraordinary reality, a country similar to ours in many ways, full of colors and warmth, passion and history, commitment and love!” As Giuseppe Caporasopresident of Pro loco ‘Monte Taburno’ in a real ‘travel diary’ towards Sicily, where the association has signed a twinning in Sant’Alfio.

“A journey that began early in the morning and took us, through Campania and Calabria, to Sicily with the turquoise sea and coastal views to welcome us. Once we left the motorway we immediately found ourselves on a road full of corners and curves that went up towards Etna. We realized we were close when we spotted the first cherry trees, some still in bloom.

Once we arrived in Sant’Alfio we were immediately welcomed warmly by the President of the Pro Loco Antonio Trovato and by almost the entire board, many young people, Sara, Adriana, Maria, Marilena with many smiles! Immediately afterwards, at lunch, having visited the Castagno dei Cento Cavalli, a majestic chestnut tree that has spanned the millennia, – says Caporaso – we found ourselves at the table with the vice-mayor Renato Finocchiaro, the tourism councilor Fabio Salanitri and the President Antonio Found. Between one chat and another, exchanges of experiences and stories, the time passed quickly and pleasantly and we went to the Municipality to meet the Mayor Alfio La Spina. Here we had a round table with all the actors of the Etna Cherry Festival: Municipality, Pro Loco and the participation of the National President of UNPLI Antonio La Spina.

We spent time talking like old friends, rediscovering our same passion, rediscovering similar difficulties but above all rediscovering our same intentions: restoring dignity to crops, producers and the production chain”, concludes Caporaso.

We remind you that the Ciliegia DOP dell’Etna is already a few steps forward, it has a DOP mark for the Napoleone, Maiolina and Mastrantoni cultivars and there is a Consortium of producers. The Municipality of Sant’Alfio has also joined the National Association “City of Cherries”.

“We honored our new friends with the products of “Casa Campoli” – explains President Caporaso – to make them feel the flavors and aromas of our territory, to illustrate what is possible and what we are trying to build! As it is done between old friends and between people who just need a handshake, we marked the beginning of this collaboration by all signing a Cherry Festival t-shirt! Just a formality for a unity of purpose in the interest of our territories.”

It should be highlighted that Sant’Alfio is also the headquarters of UNPLI Sicily and the operational headquarters of the National President of UNPLI Antonio La Spina. “We were welcomed by President La Spina and all his staff, despite the fact that they were busy days for the upcoming Regional assembly on Sunday 28 April. Liveliness, enthusiasm, friendship, welcome, we felt at home once again, we felt part of the same family, the UNPLI family of which we feel fully part and which we support, and from which we are supported at all times.

We were involved, just like a big family, in the final preparations for the regional assembly of Unpli Sicily, we met volunteers, members, places and stories.
On the days we visited, Sant’Alfio was preparing for the great celebration in honor of the patron saints, Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino. A celebration deeply felt by the population, in which the Pro Loco of S. Alfio and its President are protagonists. We met Antonio in the Church in the preparation of the “Fercolo”, with all the decorations, with the photographic exhibition being set up in honor of the festival… in short, as always the Pro Loco for the protection and conservation of traditions.

It was the beginning of a collaboration and a union of intent with the Municipality of S. Alfio, the Pro Loco of S. Alfio and UNPLI Sicily. The objective is and will always be to enhance local excellence and the agricultural companies of our territory, promoting cooperation and direct marketing. Exchange of experiences, flavors and knowledge. In the next few days we are ready to present you fantastic news!”.

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