5 Maggio 2024

CESENA _ La sfida è a Cesena. E’ sul palcoscenico del Teatro Bonci che si sfideranno infatti i quattro migliori spettacoli prodotti dalle scuole Superiori del Bel Paese per quella che è la ventiquattresima edizione del Festival Nazionale del Teatro scolastico “Elisabetta Turoni” in programma dal 7 all’11 maggio. Ogni anno infatti, attraverso un bando nazionale vengono visionati e selezionati gli allestimenti più interessanti prodotti nelle scuole italiane. Questi, oltre ad avere e dimostrare qualità registica, e buona interpretazione devono mostrare in scena temi legati all’adolescenza. Da trentaquattro domande di partecipazione giunte da tutta Italia _ a segnalare che, nonostante il teatro come la musica non siano inserite stabilmente come materie di studio, l’interesse e la curiosità siano veramente vivi tra i ragazzi _ la giuria ha scelto i quattro titoli in programma. Dal vivo sarà invece una giuria di di giovani e di interclassi che ha coinvolto due differenti istituti e due classi di una scuola media guidate da una docente ad assistere a tutti gli spettacoli dal vivo e votare per assegnare il Premio del Pubblico. Appuntamento speciale ricolto ai docenti, sarà, per giovedì 9 alle 17,30 nel foyer del Bonci l’incontro “Una certa idea di insegnamento: Le pratiche artistiche nel mondo della scuola”, organizzato in collaborazione con la Societas: tra filosofia dell’educazione, ricerca sociale, pedagogia, estetica ed etica delle relazioni, due studiosi (Francesco Cappa, docente di Pedagogia Generale e Sociale presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca e Stefano Laffi, sociologo esperto di progetti partecipativi con adolescenti) e un’artista della ricerca teatrale (Chiara Guidi) si confrontano e dialogano alla ricerca di pratiche da condividere e aprire al rischio creativo. Coordina il critico teatrale e studioso Sergio Lo Gatto.

An important space is dedicated to workshops for children conducted by artists organized at the Bonci theater every afternoon on 8, 9 and 10 May. The following participate as guides and tutors: (the vocal researcher Meike Clarellithe choreographers of the collective Parini Second and the performing arts group Dewey Dell).

A scene taken from Aristophanes’ “The Birds” exhibition curated by the students of the Scientific High School of Modena

“The big school. Of the lowest knowledge” is the title of the opening event on the 7th at 9 and 11 amthe Comandini Theatre in collaboration with Society. At the center is the final scenic composition of the workshop for teenagers curated by Chiara Guidi and Vito Matera: a journey of 15 weekly meetings held between February and May to discover that art “does not carry a single meaning, it does not give explanations of what happens, but rather asks us to hear more, see more, desire more and to intertwine what we don’t know with what we know.” After the stage performance, a meeting will be held with the girls and boys who participated in the project: Giovanni Ambrogetti, Silvia Astefanoaei, Zyanya Casadei, Caterina Faedi, Carlotta Grazioso, Melissa Osmani, Bianca Maria Rocchi, Vittoria Rossi, Camilla Savini, Dora Ekundayo Trevisani Akitunde and Chiara Valletta.

A novelty in the festival program compared to other editions is the cycle “TAI – Talk About It! 15 minutes on the themes of our present”, scheduled at the Bonci Theater on Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th and Saturday 11th May at 10am in the quarter of an hour preceding the viewings of the shows, with three direct testimonies from experts and activists (Vanessa Guidi Of Mediterranea Saving Humans, Nadia Cadrobbi of Operation Colomba and Salem Ghribi of Ecologia Politica Network) on urgent issues that define global current affairs: the rescue of migrants at sea, migratory movements from war zones and climate change. The aim of the talks is “to shed light on some gray areas of our present, bridging the gap between reality and perception, between verified data and deep fakes, far from political slogans. To try together to understand the complexity of the world we live in and take an active and conscious part in it.”

A moment from “The sky above us” represented by the children of the Fabriano Classical High School. The show is inspired by Wim Wenders’ film, “The Sky Over Berlin)

To test themselves first on stage. On May 8th at 10.15 am the students of the “Tassoni” Scientific High School in Modena which presents “Birds”utopian comedy composed by Aristophanes towards the end of Pelopponese War. Thus “In an overwhelming fusion of fantastic inventions and comedy, some friends plan a new city mid-air between heaven and earth, as an alternative to the miseries and corruption of humanity…” The direction is by Cristina Carbone and Santo Marino.

Before the show, at 10 am for the cycle TAI – Talk About It! the meeting is scheduled “Civil rescue at sea through the eyes of an on-board doctor” with Vanessa Guidi of the Mediterranean Saving Humans association.

In the afternoon, at 2.30pm Meike Clarell taking inspiration from the American composer Butch Morris and his “Conduction” leads a choir improvisation workshop for girls and boys.

The next day, May 9th, at 10.15am it was the turn of the “Stelluti” Classical High School in Fabriano which, starting “from the reworking of the concept of “angel” declined in its philosophical, religious, psychological, imaginary meanings, and from the vision of the 1987 film”The sky above Berlin” of the director Wim Wenders” (who collaborated with the writer on the screenplay Peter Handke)” presents “The sky above us”. The dramaturgy was developed by Fabio Bonso with the boys using Handke’s texts.

At 10 am, for the period TAI – Talk About It!, Nadia Cadrobbi, volunteer in Greece in areas of migratory transit from countries at war, talks about the action of “Operation Dove”the Nonviolent Peace Corps of the Pope John XXIII Community Association which offers assistance to migrants fleeing conflicts and denounces human rights violations in the world’s hot spots.

It is expected at 2.30pm “Listening to jump rope” workshop on jumping rope conducted by the collective of choreographers and dancers Parini Second.

At 5.30 pm, in the foyer of the theater, a meeting between philosophy of education, social research, pedagogy and aesthetics “A certain idea of ​​teaching – Artistic practices in the world of school”organized with Society. They dialogue: the pedagogist Francesco Cappathe sociologist Stefano Laffi e the thespian Chiara Guidi. Coordinates the theater critic Sergio Lo Gatto“Buchner”

A scene taken from the staging of the tragedy “Hecuba” by Euripides staged by the students of the “Buchner” high school in Ischia. The text was adapted by Salvatore Ronga

Friday 10th at 10am at the Bonci theater it goes on stage “Hecuba” by Euripides staged by “Buchner” high school in Ischia and adapted from Salvatore Ronga.

After the show, at 11am there will be an awards ceremony for the classes participating in the 11th edition of the Teatro in Classe project, promoted by Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione ERT / Teatro Nazionale and «il Resto del Carlino» with the contribution of CONAD and the collaboration of critics and trainers from the Altri Veloicità group, who guided students from 6 high schools in the drafting of journalistic pieces on the shows of the Cesena theater season.

At 2.30pm, the dance company Dewey Dell leads “Dancing Impossible Bodies” movement workshop for girls and boys that experiments with body language to convey images, feelings or ideas that would otherwise be impossible to share in words.

Great happemning starting from 9pm at Spazio Marte with “NXT Fest” that is, the Festival Party with the performance of two emerging bands chosen by the students, followed by the rappers live: Gale, Cimo, Big Mic and Fiore.

Saturday 11th at 10.15am space at “Lord of the Flies” of the Galilei-Campailla Institute of Higher Education in Modica, from the novel by William Golding adapted and directed by Alexander Romano. The story of innocence and cruelty imagined in the cult text of the same name by the British writer (a group of adolescent survivors on an island disastrously tries to govern themselves, gradually giving in to barbarism) gives “origin to this show which stages the relationship among the young performers, reversing the ending of the opera in a positive way”.

A quarter of an hour earlier Tai- Talk About It “All roads lead to activism – why fight?”, meeting with the climate activist Salem Ghribi: since 2015 active for the rights to study and in the world of work, in 2019 Ghribi approached ecologism through the global movement Fridays for Future and subsequently founded Ecologia Politica Network, an organization that works to connect social struggles and ecologists.

The Festival ends with the final vote which awards a prize of two thousand euros for the purchase of theatrical equipment. And one of 500 euros at the show chosen by the public. The awards ceremony, Saturday at 3pm at the Bonci theatre. Participants include students and teachers arriving from all over Italy, delegations from the schools in competition and from the schools that have received recommendations for particularly interesting aspects of the project presented in the competition. The prize for artistic creativity will go to the Dewey Bell dance company founded in 2006 in Cesena.

A moment from “Lord of the Flies” staged by the children of the “Galileo Galilei” Higher Institute of Modica. Based on the novel by William Golding, directed by Aldo Romano


Aristophanes, Cesena, Chiara Guidi, Dewey Dell, Euripide, Sergio Lo Gatto, Societas, Teatro Bonci, William Golding



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