“Happy with the group, with Sicily it will be a good challenge”

Vittorio Pusceddu, coach of the National Sardinian team

05/24/2024 9.31pm


The adventure at the Corsica Cup will end tomorrow with the challenge against Sicily in the third and fourth place final Sardinian National. The coach of the island selection Vittorio Pusceddu presented the race in the press room, scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 25 May at 2.30 pm in Ajaccio.

The words

We approach this match with the hope of hosting our friends from Sicily next year and reciprocating the hospitality of two years ago. And to have a nice tournament next year in Sardinia – opens the coach -. Remaining in this edition, it’s true that we lost 3-0 against Corsica, but I saw some positive things. We are a very young team, we have several 2004s and 2005s, only one of the guys is over thirty. I have to say that against the battleship against Corsica, which has 70% professional players, it was tough and we knew it. However, we put in our maximum effort and my players also did something positive. Now this match against Sicily awaits us, knowing that they too are a strong team and coached well by Mister Marchese. It will be a good match, in which both teams will play openly, in my opinion some situations that will arise on the pitch will be fundamental, especially on an inactive ball, without however excluding the plays of the more technical elements that both us and we have them on the team. However, we will also have to fight on contested balls in the middle of the pitch. I think we will change something, including the game format. Unfortunately what happened before the departure forced us to leave with just a few players, we managed to find some new guys in a few days. We put in our utmost effort to reach 18 players, with Corsica all those who were available except the goalkeeper entered. Tomorrow Manis will play in place of Mereu in goal. However, I am very happy – concludes Pusceddu – especially for the younger players: these are matches that teach a lot“.

The captain of the national team was also in the press room Andrea Congiuwho spoke about the strength of the group and the honor of wearing the captain’s armband

Initially there was a lot of enthusiasm because this is a beautiful showcase, for adults and young people. There was a desire to show off because we have important teams in front of us, with lower category players. We certainly didn’t expect news like the accident that affected us immediately. In fact, however, it served us to further cement the group. With many we are not teammates, but these days it was as if we had known each other for years. A wonderful group has been created and this makes me very happy. I hope that this unity off the pitch can also be seen in tomorrow’s final. The captain’s armband? For me it is a further emotion, because I am representing Sardinia beyond the borders of the island: it is an emotion, an honor and a great responsibility that I take on with great pleasure.“.

Matteo Cardia

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