“Grillo unreliable. The new council is already a failure”

Eleonora Lo Curto, third council for mayor Grillo in Marsala. What phase opens up for citizens?

The third Grillo Council will absolutely not change the citizens’ feelings towards the mayor and above all it will not determine anything more than what has characterized this administration. It is strange that Grillo himself certifies his failure with the statements made in the press conference and that he has totally lost all credibility on the ability of a concrete relaunch of government action. In short, no one believes in this relaunch announced several times anymore. It is completely clear that beyond the announcements there has never been a project, an idea, a vision of what our city should have been. Grillo was not, he is not and will never be the leader of a coalition, he only won due to the effect of dragging the lists, he betrayed his allies, he is unsuitable for the role and politically unreliable.

Does the conflict that has opened up within FI also involve the other centre-right parties?

The clash that broke out in FI is the desolate expression of what certain pseudopolitics has been reduced to, which is made up of convenience, opportunism, ethical cynicism and squalid indifference. It is that false and hypocritical fiction with which one attempts to justify any choice and which is also so despised by citizens. It is very sad to note that in Marsala FI has been reduced to this little theater of wavering positions. It’s obvious that no one likes this show and above all they don’t like the lack of coherence between the words and actions of the Hon. Pellegrino..But part of the responsibility for this too lies with the Mayor who first puts Sturiano in the regional elections to eliminate the Deputies who elected him and after being solemnly rejected, makes Sturiano the “Trojan Horse” within FI to try allies in the Center Right and guarantee his re-nomination. He regrets that of all this the Hon. Pellegrino is not clear.

Is there a remote possibility that the center-right will regroup around the figure of Mayor Grillo?

I exclude the possibility that the center-right will regroup around Grillo, in Marsala the saying that “it’s easier for it to rain cassatedde” holds true. I say this with conviction because beyond the current positions of FDI, not shared by the Hon. Bica, even Pellegrino who supports him, although he does not represent the FI party which expressed itself through the Provincial Coordinator Hon. Scilla and through the Regional Coordinator Caruso, does not make commitments for the future. The other parties and movements that supported Grillo in on several occasions they reiterated their firm no to the various and I would say humiliating attempts made by Grillo to find an agreement.

Scilla-Pellegrino-Sturiano, have you got an idea of ​​this new blue perspective?

Scilla represents the party and whether Sturiano and Pellegrino like it or not, her voice is the same as that of Marcello Caruso who reiterated that FI in Marsala is in opposition to Grillo. I was present at the Provincial Congress and during my speech I asked Marcello Caruso to clarify FI’s position in Marsala. The answer was clear and clear. I consider Pellegrino’s choice incredibly inconsistent and politically very embarrassing. In fact, it clearly emerges that the dominus in this matter is Sturiano and that Pellegrino has had the FI quota assigned to councilors chosen by the Mayor and the President of the City Council, together with a handful of councilors, who however, as already seen for the elections of Sturiano at the regional elections, they have produced nothing and I do not believe they can constitute an added value. Therefore there is no prospect but only great, great confusion.

You talked about grillismo and fake politicians present in the council. Is it time for politics to become serious again?

Grillism is a sort of new religion that fishes for followers and recruits headless supporters. I use this metaphor because it highlights the way of managing and administering our Mayor, who after having tried everything possible to gather around him the parties and movements that elected him and that he betrayed, in the end certifies his failure by inventing a third Council, this time of “Salvation” to regain the trust of the citizens. More or less these are the words in the press conference which appear indicative of the fact that Grillo finally has the perception of the disesteem of the people of Marsala towards him. What he persists in not being aware of is that by betraying the parties he has in fact betrayed the citizens who they would never have voted for him without the push of the lists and candidates we lined up in his support. I don’t think anyone has been able to do worse than Grillo, who no longer has even the councilors from the Liberi list on his side. No majority, let alone qualified political representation. He’s embarrassing and painful. Of course there is a need for seriousness, certainly it is necessary to bring together the best and most coherent expressions of politics to inaugurate a season of light, of liberation from the nothingness that is suffocating the City. We need ideas, civil passion, authentic moral rigor, enthusiasm, the ability to plan the future, to build relationships, to emerge from territorial isolation, to talk about beauty and safety, about art, culture and tourism, to transform Marsala into a livable and sustainable city every day of the year. We must turn the page and hope to forget this horrible administrative experience, Grillo and his followers.
And on the seriousness of politics I would like to say that if politics is not serious it is not politics.

European time, are you on the field for the League and to support Mimmo Turano?

I will certainly convincingly support Turano and the League which today is the party that is spending more than any other for Sicily in a concrete and visible way. I remind everyone that my brief experience in the European Parliament has to date been the only experience in which our province has ever been represented. Turano is the only real candidate in the area who has a concrete chance of being elected and I believe that it is an unmissable opportunity for all of us to demonstrate maturity and a sense of political responsibility. Europe decides for us and very, too often against the interests of the less represented territories. In Brussels and Strasbourg the large lobbies that defend the interests of the strongest prevail, managing to elect Turano will mean playing an important game in defense of our businesses, navy, farmers, infrastructure, education and much more.

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