Pomezia against the mafias with ‘100% legality’: on display the car in which Falcone’s escort died in the Capaci attack

Pomezia takes sides against the mafia and all forms of crime. And it does so not only in institutional forms, but by involving students and citizens, through an event that aims to remember and honor two symbols of the fight against the mafia, the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, together with the victims of the ’92 attacks: the magistrate Francesca Morvillo, wife of the judge, the men of Falcone’s escort, Rocco Dicillo, Antonio Montinaro and Vito Schifani and also the agents of Borsellino’s escort, Emanuela Loi, Agostino Catalano, Walter Eddie Cosina, Vincenzo Li Muli and Claudio Traina.

On April 23rd, in Piazza Indipendenza in Pomezia, “100% legality” – Fight against organized crime will be celebrated, an unprecedented event which will see the display of the “Quarto Savona 15” display case from 9am to 7pm. from the code name used for the Fiat Croma which exploded in the Capaci attack on 23 May 1992, in which judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and the escort agents Antonio Montinaro, Vito Schifani and Rocco Dicillo were killed. The event, organized by the Municipality of Pomezia in collaboration with the ANFP and “Quarto Savona 15” associations, will see the participation of high institutional, civil, military and religious officials, as well as the widow of the agent Antonio Montinaro, Mrs. Tina Montinaro, president of the “Quarto Savona 15” association.

Students “messengers” of change

During the ceremony, which will also be attended by students from the middle and high schools of Pomezia and Torvaianica, the commemorative plaque will be unveiled in memory of the victims of the mafia. Each of the classes of students who participated in the project in recent weeks has identified the story of an innocent victim of the mafia, to then delve deeper and build a collective memory, stimulating paths of knowledge and reflection on past and present injustices, as well as on the many experiences of civil redemption of our communities, to become animators of change on a daily basis.

To involve all citizens, an exhibition has been set up in the Civic Tower, which is scheduled to open on 23 and 25 April: it collects the works that the students of Pomezia have created to represent, in various styles, the men and women who they believed in a non-silent Italy, where legality and honesty – in the end – can win over crime. In the city streets, however, panels will be displayed reproducing “The faces of legality”, i.e. the protagonists of this day dedicated to the fight against all mafias.

The program of the day

The day will begin at 9.30, with the students leaving in procession towards Piazza Indipendenza, where they will arrive at 10.30. At 10:00 the Civic Tower will open for the exhibition “The Faces of Legality”.

At 11:00 there will be institutional greetings from Mayor Veronica Felici, followed by speeches from the Undersecretary of State for the Interior Hon. Wanda Ferro, from Sen. Marco Silvestroni, from the Police Commissioner of Rome Carmine Belfiore, from the Prosecutor of Velletri Giancarlo Amato, of the President of the Bar Association of Velletri Stefano Armati and of the Secretary of the National Association of Police Forces Enzo Marco Letizia. At 12:00 the plaque in honor of the mafia victims will be unveiled, which will be blessed by the bishop of Albano, Mons. Vincenzo Viva.

Riccardo Corrao


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