Reggio, the funeral companies ask for Piantedosi’s intervention

“Today, Thursday 18 April 2024, also coinciding with the visit to Reggio Calabria of the Minister Prefect Matteo Piantedosi to whom, given the situation of total incomprehension and indifference on the part of the region regarding the merit of our requests, we also ask him to listen to us so that something changes in this blessed region.” This was stated in a note by the President of Funercalabria G. Triolo.

“On the occasion of the Regional Council we will be, once again, under Palazzo Campanella around 10.00 – with a delegation of companies to reiterate our serious problems that arose following the launch of lrn 38 on funeral matters without interlocution with the sector despite the introduction of the same Regional Law 38/2023 read the opposite!”

“But we also believe that this regional rule is completely unconstitutional and that due to the August bank holiday, in fact it was brought to the council a few days before, and the succession of health, war, economic and even political emergencies, it also went unnoticed by the Ministry of regional affairs”.

“The Calabria Region, headed by Dr. Roberto Occhiuto, took too much time “promising” us, from time to time, possible amendments to the same on the basis of our requests which in fact were never made and still incredible and which however attempted to modify the same lr worse than the current state as if we had incredibly requested, with our protests, further unjustified restrictions!”.

“We remain “perhaps” in the most absolute political indifference, we do not understand why President Occhiuto who has never responded to us, ever, to the numerous requests to his staff and to the emails requesting a meeting with this social part writing which evidently or not it counts for nothing for him, as for the Hon. Caputo, for the President of the Regional Council Filippo Mancuso and the entire Calabria region, or we no longer know what else to think”.

“Unfortunately, we take note of this, but at the same time we want to remember that not even the councilor who drafted Regional Law 38/23 Giuseppe Neri deigned to receive us or to listen seriously to our problems created by this unfortunate law, he too, the councillor, but then he finds the time to write press releases where, not so elegantly, he offends us, without asking ourselves the doubt that evidently this “self-styled federation”, as Neri called us, is democratically asking for help from a now short-sighted and deaf policy”.

“This umpteenth demonstration today which will be held with a delegation, representing a large part of the funeral sector, has the aim of raising awareness for the umpteenth time among politicians, citizens and institutions so that the truth is known, we do not want to be outlaws but we also don’t want to be harassed by unjust laws – without scientific evidence – and which prevent us from working with serenity”.

“The politicians have not assessed the impact on businesses, the costs, the benefits and in the long term the monopolies! We ask – that it be clear without ever tiring – the modification of lr 38/2023 which was born without a debate with the social part, a law that serves the interests of a few to the detriment of small businesses and then also of citizens”.

“We would like to have the possibility of working in harmony again, the NCC ambulance service was also taken away from us, an issue on which the TAR of Lazio also ruled, which unblocked all the licenses that had been stopped by a ministerial decree, in fact the TAR has reasoned that in principle, art. 41 of the Constitution affirms the full freedom of economic initiative which can only be restricted by State law for significant reasons of social utility, TAR Lazio n. 6068/2024, but is Calabria a separate Republic?”

“So we ask for the return of the cars. NCC to businesses, the recognition of the Farewell Rooms, the modification of the requirements on funeral homes and we add that the service centers to be such must have at least 4 hearses and 4 vans on their own because we are looking for professionalism and not subterfuges created ad hoc art to circumvent regional law”.

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