Compagnia San Pio ODV visits Moscati in Avellino

Compagnia San Pio ODV visits Moscati in Avellino
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Compagnia San Pio ODV visits Moscati in Avellino

The representation of the Compagnia San Pio ODV was received at the Giuseppe Moscati Hospital in Avellino by the head of Paediatrics, Eduardo Ponticiello together with his staff and by the press office of the Alessandra Malanga Hospital. Words of praise were expressed by the President of the Company for the great work carried out by the doctors and pediatric staff, not least by the general director Renato Pizzuti. The objective of the initiative «taken to various hospitals in Italy and Florida is to provide a moment of light-heartedness in delicate moments like those experienced by many families, especially in festive periods like these. As Basil Hume said: the great gift of Easter is hope.”


Aorn Moscati of Avellino – Pediatrics Department, Avellino, Benevento, Compagnia San Pio ODV, Eduardo Ponticiello, Renato Pizzuti

San Pio ODV visits Moscati in Avellino

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