Charlotte Casiraghi and Carolina of Monaco, increasingly high tension. “Horrible photo”

Charlotte Casiraghi and Carolina of Monaco, increasingly high tension. “Horrible photo”
Charlotte Casiraghi and Carolina of Monaco, increasingly high tension. “Horrible photo”

Charlotte Casiraghi she was the undisputed protagonist of the PhiloMonaco week, which she organized with the support of Prince Albert. But apparently there was no shortage of tension in the family, especially with his mother Caroline of Monaco and the reason would always be the same, the new boyfriend Nicolas Mathieu.

Charlotte Casiraghi and Carolina di Monaco, tension at PhiloMonaco

While the complicity is high with uncle Alberto of Monaco who was enthusiastic about the Philosophy Festival, wanted and organized by his niece, Charlotte Casiraghi she appeared more uncomfortable with her mother Carolina of Monaco who also supported her daughter in this cultural adventure.

The Semaine PhiloMonaco should have been the perfect opportunity for Charlotte Casiraghi to present at Court the writer Nicolas Mathieu with whom she fell in love and with whom she began a relationship last January, immediately after left behind by her husband Dimitri Rassam.

Charlotte is a very private person and has not made the divorce official publicly, but it seems that Carolina didn’t take it well neither the end of her daughter’s marriage nor her new boyfriend. First of all, the Princess is friends with her ex-mother-in-law, Carole Bouquet, and she apparently didn’t like Charlotte’s decision to end the marriage just because she couldn’t find common ground between their agendas.

But the real blow to Caroline of Monaco he is the new boyfriend chosen by her daughter, who she absolutely does not approve of: he is too different from the golden world of Monte Carlo, with his too left-wing ideas, which she just cannot accept and which above all find incompatibles with his and Charlotte’s lifestyle.

Carolina’s disapproval would therefore be the main reason why Casiraghi kept Mathieu away from the Principality, so much so that the writer did not even participate in the Philosophy Festival.

Charlotte Casiraghi and Carolina of Monaco, the photo of discord

That tension between Charlotte and Carolina is high, this is demonstrated by a photo taken during a cultural meeting and circulated on social media. The two women are staring straight ahead, they seem petrified.

Carolina is wearing a white shirt and jeans, she is holding a cup of coffee and her eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. But his serious expression is eloquent more than ever. Sitting next to her is Charlotte sporting a light blue shirt and a pair of blue trousers. She is also unusually dark in the face and the mother doesn’t deserve a glance. There are two cases: either they are particularly annoyed by what they are listening to or something is wrong between them. After all, it is not the first time that Charlotte has objected to her mother.

The photo of Carolina and Charlotte was shared on Instagram and someone commented on it like this: “But am I at a funeral? Caroline is always like this…but Charlotte?”. Others limit themselves to a summary: “Horrible photo“. “What a sad face Charlotte”, “What tense faces”. And again: “Charlotte doesn’t look well.” “For charity ! with all the photographs they could put!!!! they look like two women suffering from depression.”

To tell the truth, there is no shortage of comments on the beauty of Caroline of Monaco and her daughter, but one cannot help but notice the unusual, for them, serious and tense expressions, as if they had just stopped arguing.

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