Prince William and best wishes to Charles III for Father’s Day: the (beautiful) photo from the family album

Prince William and best wishes to Charles III for Father’s Day: the (beautiful) photo from the family album
Prince William and best wishes to Charles III for Father’s Day: the (beautiful) photo from the family album

A beautiful family photo depicting the Prince William close to his three children, George, Charlotte and Louis. Thus Kensington Palace paid homage to the heir to the throne on the day Father’s Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom. «We love you, dad. Happy Father’s Day. G, C & L”, reads the caption accompanying the shot, signed directly by the little princes. The photo was taken by Kate Middleton in 2024, as reported on Instagram, and portrays the four from behind, facing the sea. A shot full of meaning, which speaks of the future, but also of father and children looking in the same direction, a beautiful wish for the future.

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Prince William, in turn, chose a beautiful photo from the family archive to pay homage to the king Charles III. To accompany the shot, a wish full of affection from the heir to the throne to his “pa”, as William has always called Carlo.

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It is not difficult to trace the history of that photo, which portrays the child prince and his father while playing with a ball. It is part of a series of shots taken on May 1, 1984 at Kensington Palace, in anticipation of William’s second birthday, born on 21 June. Very tender images of the then little prince, together with his father and mother Diana, pregnant at the time with Harry, who would be born the following September. Other shots from that day portray William curiously in front of the photographers’ lenses, sitting with his parents, happy on a swing.

William as a child on the “set” of the photo shoot from which the photo published on Sunday 16 June comes.

Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images
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