what is passive income scam

A new trading system is presented with videos created by artificial intelligence. It promises passive income, a fixed income created without the user having to do anything. The scheme is already known: it is a scam. After an initial investment of 250 euros, scammers come back to ask for more and more money.

The latest video features Pier Silvio Berlusconi. On the contrary, Pier Berlusconi how it is presented. The Mediaset manager is at a company party, perhaps Christmas. He picks up the microphone and begins to present a new method of investments: “All investors on our platform will be able to earn up to 8,000 euros every month. It’s passive income.”

Now there is almost no need to add it. Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s video it’s a fake. The images are adjusted with artificial intelligence, the voice has been cloned and the text that is read is the same as that of dozens of videos that have been circulating on social media for months now. In jargon they are called deepfake videos and now it is increasingly easier to create them with the software available.

Our editorial team receives letters and testimonials relating to stories involving online scams. We decide to publish them for two reasons: to help our readers recognize them and to report to the institutions a problem that affects more and more people. We invite our readers to write their stories to us by clicking here.

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The scam with the faces of famous people

Fanpage.it has been dealing with this scam for some time, a scheme in which the faces of famous people, unaware of everything, are exploited to attract victims on fake investment platforms. The protagonists change. Fabio Fazio, Vanessa Incontrada, Chiara Ferragni, Geppi Cucciari but also Sergio Mattarella were used.

The fake investment platform

In the case of the video starring Pier Silvio Berlusconi the formula used is that of “passive income”. A new trading platform capable of is presented generate earnings automatically, up to thousands of euros per month. A capital is invested and then the shares are exchanged for a automatic system. Nothing else needs to be done.

The promise is that you just need to invest a small amount to immediately see your earnings increase. The platform is not mentioned, probably to be able to change its name in the video description according to needs. The first investment required is low: 250 euros. It is a scam. Pier Silvio Berlusconi has never participated in a project of this kind, there is no platform capable of generating these earnings without even human interaction and above all those 250 euros will not be the only ones requested.

As we have already demonstrated several times, even with stories of victims of this scheme, once you have left your data and invested the first money then the scammers come back for more, sometimes new investments are proposed, other times they present themselves as banking authorities. None of this money is really invested, I end up all in foreign capital. Recovering them is almost impossible.

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