all predictions sign by sign

Here is Paolo Fox’s horoscope for you on Radio Lattemiele: all the sign-by-sign predictions for today 15 June and the next few days. Let’s discover all the news together.

Aries: This Saturday will bring multiple worries. If you have some problems at home you will have to be careful about exaggerations. Those born under the sign of Aries, in the midst of intemperance, often risk saying things they don’t mean. Maintaining control is the most difficult challenge.

Bull: from Monday Venus becomes a friend again and who knows if this return will not be the bearer of love. The problems that have been a source of great discomfort in recent periods should finally be a thing of the past. Taurus needs certainties. These may be hidden in another earth sign.

Twins: for Gemini, an active day with favorable Jupiter and Moon. So have fun and don’t think about the accumulated stress of the days. Sunday will be the right day for new feelings. Anyone who has recently ended a relationship will finally be able to take revenge.

Cancer: here is the absolute protagonist of the last two weeks. There will be many planets in the sign and Saturn is in good aspect so it strengthens the sky. Within two weeks it will be possible to obtain an advantage at work. Perfect your position and your love will also get a big boost.

Lion: for Leo here are winner’s stars. Recently it hasn’t been an optimal period but everything that has happened will serve as a lesson so as not to make the same mistakes. Jupiter is in good aspect and the Moon is active. Not everyone has been friendly in recent days. You have to let things slide and show your generosity.

Virgin: the first two weeks of June were tough but the next ones will be very intriguing. Both in love and to forget people who should be affected by your indifference. If you have given too much and received little, now you will make it clear to those who exploited your good will that they are feeling bad.

Paolo Fox guest on Rai 1

Paolo Fox horoscope today and tomorrow: the stars from Libra to Pisces

Balance: right now you are very confused on a sentimental level and if you don’t have a story you will navigate by sight. If there is an ex in your life, pay attention to some discussions that could become protagonists again in the next few days. Maybe it’s better to avoid taking sides, taking time is the best thing to do.

Scorpio: very important stars for Scorpio. This is a zodiac sign that thrives on intuition and sudden thoughts. In the next two weeks there will be very interesting prospects for the future. For this reason it is good to choose and evaluate every move you make as best as possible.

Sagittarius: no more boredom, if there’s one thing that defeats you, it’s repeating the same things over and over again. The more willing could think of a risky project, manageable from the month of July. A breath of optimism and good will could be the accomplice of a wonderful period that starts with the favorable Moon.

Capricorn: the next two weeks must be lived in complete relaxation. Even if you don’t tell anyone, you are a strong and determined person but these days you feel exhausted. Now do things calmly and consider that this second part of June must be experienced with caution.

Acquarium: today we have the Moon and Jupiter in favor so green light for relationships. Even with a transformation in the couple, now is the time to speak clearly and renew. Organizing a small trip could be a good idea. If a story is valid, from Monday it will be possible to recover it.

Fish: this sky is optimal. An excellent phase of the month arrives, especially for surrounding yourself with valid thoughts and positive people. If a story is important, from Monday it is a good idea to open the doors. Those who have been alone for a long time could finally find the other half of the apple.

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