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carried out in the case of Willy Branchi – DiLei

Like every Wednesday, the program hosted by was broadcast Federica Sciarelli, Who has seen. During the episode of June 5ththe presenter addressed the cases of Willy Branchi and Carmine Zurlounresolved for several years now.

The letter to Willy’s brother

The June 5, 2024 episode of Who has seen has rekindled attention on story of Willy Branchithe 18 year old boy who was found on the night between 29 and 30 September 1988: the boy had been brutally killed with a gun, and the body was found on the bank of the Po in Goro. For the murder of Vilfrido ‘Willy’ Branchi, Valeriano Forzati was first accused and then acquitted – due to lack of evidence. Yesterday, in the episode, one anonymous letter sent to the boy’s brother, Luca, has opened new leads on the matter.

“Luca I know it’s been a long time. Logically you’ll say ‘You could have shown up earlier’, but I didn’t think this damn thing would take so long. There are so many reasons that burn me, that Forzati is still brought up just because they couldn’t get anything out of the hole. I’m talking about law enforcement, get obsessed with a character. He was attacked only because they didn’t want to investigate deeper, leaving out other leads. I swear I’m not related to Forzati. At that time I was working in Goro.”

The letter then continues: “I know for a fact that the carabinieri they had the murderer on their hands of poor Willy. I have been missing from these areas for a long time, but certain things never leave your mind. You should have the law enforcement officers of the time remember, if they remember having found a boy from Venetoin the dead of winter, found that he slept on a fishing boat completely freaked out and frozen. The guy was often in Goro looking for smoke. He was beaten up in a bar in Goro for entering a bar with a joint in his mouth, another thing that someone will remember. I forgive me I won’t tell you my name because I have never had anything good from the law. Find this guy Luca and find who killed your brother and try to find out the weapon this guy was carrying, many people know it.”

According to the experts’ hypotheses, the sender “is expressed with very specific terminologies, as ‘investigators’. The precise terminology suggests that the person writing had access to judicial matters. A person who wanted to make his own contribution and who freed himself from a burden he carries with him.”

The letter, therefore, appears to be reliable. There are three paths, at least for the moment: drugs, pedophilia and a possible murder by robbery. The anonymous letter, however, opens the doors to a new hypothesis: the one involving the fishing boat boy.

The statement from Carmine Zurlo’s family

Another decidedly complicated case is that of Carmine Zurlo, which Federica Sciarelli spoke about in the studio together with her mother and sister. The boy disappeared on March 14, 2022 and, more than two years after his disappearance, the family never lost hope.

In the studio the mother and sister launched an appeal: “Please don’t abandon mefind my son Carmine, the pain is too strong.”

The sister then retraced Carmine’s last moments before his disappearance: “He goes out at 8, takes mum’s car and leaves. That morning he didn’t say goodbye to mom and leaves her documents on the table. Around lunchtime Diamante, my pregnant girlfriend asks me if I’ve seen Carminebut no one knew anything.”

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