Men and Women, tops and flops of the most criticized edition ever – DiLei

Men and Women, tops and flops of the most criticized edition ever – DiLei
Men and Women, tops and flops of the most criticized edition ever – DiLei

This edition of is coming to an end Men and women which for many months, as scheduled, kept many viewers glued to the small screen. There was no shortage of criticism, as always. The dating show by Maria De Filippi has proven once again to be divisive but at the same time has been able to excite, both positively and negatively, the public ready to comment live on social media on what happened during the various episodes.

There were few new features despite the usual well-known faces and dynamics that were often not liked. Is “trash” losing its luster? Far from it. As someone said, “for better or for worse, as long as we talk about it”.

The “soft” Throne of the young Cristian and Brando: TOP

Perhaps calling it “disappointing” might seem a bit excessive, but who followed Men and women sincegolden era of big fights in the middle of the study center perhaps he can understand. The Throne of Young People has always been a flagship of Maria De Filippi’s dating show, an important part of the program that has given life to characters who have remained in the hearts of fans (think of the times of Giulia De Lellis and Andrea Damante, just for name two).

The latest production choices have tried to reduce certain behaviors, avoiding dramas (as far as possible), as per the new guidelines. Completely understandable choices: see on the Throne of the Gods clean guys like Cristian Forti and Brando Ephrikian who, among other things, managed to find love and were liked by the public. It is undeniable that a bit of liveliness was missing, despite some moments of “tension”, but the latest arrival Daniele Paudice took care of stirring things up.

Separate mention for Manuela Carriero who perhaps some even struggle to remember on the Throne. For her there was no choice, just a few weeks of courtship by two bold young men who seemed interested in everything about her except her heart.

Shadows on the Throne by Daniele Paudice: FLOP

The latest to arrive Men and women it was Daniele Paudice, the Neapolitan model transplanted to the USA, he returned to his homeland with the intention of finding love. A certainly complicated boy, with an often prickly character, as if he were covered in an armor made of a mixture of insecurity and arrogance. This is precisely one of the points on which the public was almost unanimous: it is the line between frankness and rudeness is very thin.

Daniele made his choice after months spent with his suitors Gaia Gigli and Marika Abbonato, deciding to continue their acquaintance with the former, already the mother of a child. Likes or dislikes aside, during the weeks of his Throne it emerged that he was not exactly a stranger to the world of TV (he is said to be a friend of Stefano De Martino, no less) but above all that the tronista and his choice they actually knew each other before the dating show. In short, not exactly the best.

Ida Platano tronista and Mario Cusitore: FLOP

After the end of the relationship with Alessandro Vicinanza, Ida Platano was invited to return to Men and women in the new guise of Tronista. Having archived the story with her ex – who also returned to the Elios studios to find love in the male parterre, then emerging victorious with Roberta Di Padua, another well-known face of the program -, the Sicilian hairdresser transplanted to Brescia she was the protagonist of a Throne that perhaps caused discussion like few others.

Thanks (or fault, depending) to her, but above all to one of the suitors who took the field for her: Mario Cusitore. Voice of Radio Kiss Kiss, the Neapolitan suitor has experienced a swing of ups and downs – or rather, of downs – with the beautiful Ida, in a push and pull that to many gave every appearance of being the tactic of a manipulator uninterested in feelings, rather than the red lights of the cameras. In the end Platano left her throne with a handful of flies in her hand, chasing away both of her suitors: on the one hand Pierpaolo Siano got tired of seeing her chasing her rival despite the less than sweet treatment often reserved for her, on the other Cusitore was the king of reports. Complete with a night spent in a B&B with a stranger, who later turned out to have already been to Men and Women.

A lot of chaos for nothing. It seems that Ida Platano continues to chasing impossible loves, even though the evidence is often so clear as to make his behavior incomprehensible. Who knows, maybe next year she’ll be luckier (many think she’ll return to the studio, who knows).

The commentators Tina Cipollari and Gianni Sperti: TOP and FLOP

TO divide the audience the programme’s historic commentators, Gianni Sperti and Tina Cipollari, thought about it once again. Often their tones were a little over the top, they did not spare harsh attacks – according to many unmotivated – against some Ladies in the Over parterre but we must admit that if they weren’t there Men and women it would be completely boring. They may like it or not, but their absence in Maria De Filippi’s dating show would certainly be felt.

The Ladies and Knights Over: FLOP

If the public had objections to the choices of the Tronisti, we could open a gigantic parenthesis about those of the Ladies and Knights of the Over parterre. It is said that men and women “of a certain age” request to participate in Men and women to find a partner to share your life with. It is told, in fact.

At the study center we’ve really seen everything: arguments, triangles, quadrilaterals, undecided men, jealous women, moments of annoyance and so on and so forth. All in order, of course. If it weren’t for the fact that in the long run all this waste of time and energy and this succession of completely edifying little scenes has returned a decidedly sad portrait of a generation of men and women who have proven to be indecisive and profoundly immature.

An example above all? Ernesto Russo was kicked out of the program after a report that he wanted him in sweet company, which he promptly denied, only to then candidly admit “if I’m not in love, I’m cheating” and adding that he continued to date women outside the parterre. It remains a mystery what he went to do Men and women.

Maria De Filippi’s lectures: TOP

Even for the landlady there was no shortage of criticism from the public especially when, according to some social commentators, she would have shown little impartiality faced with unjustifiable behavior. Above all those of Mario Cusitore, who seemed to have a particular influence on De Filippi.

The only certainty is that without Maria De Filippi it would not exist Men and women, some would say “luckily” but the ratings say otherwise. The presenter he doesn’t spare lectures and scoldings to anyone who goes through the studio of the dating show and in this edition, in particular, she has often lost her proverbial patience. Was it a sign of “impatience”? The truth is that some people would make a saint lose his temper. Even to “holy” Mary.

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