“I called the police, Vannacci arrived before them”

In Turin the show of Giuseppe Cruciani, Via Cruxwas interrupted for several minutes by two activists from Last generation who went on stage shouting slogans and displaying a banner. The general was also present at the evening which took place on Tuesday 21 May Vannacciinvited by Cruciani.

Via Crux by Giuseppe Cruciani

Via Crux it is the first show of Giuseppe Cruciani, historic host of The mosquito on Radio 24 and regular commentator on the political talk shows on Rete 4.

Via Crux it is a one man show that brings Cruciani thought to the theater: the fight against respectability, the destruction of political correctness, a stop to eco-anxiety and so on. All with decidedly over the top tones.

Photo source: ANSA

Cruciani interrupted by Ultima Generazione

Cruciani ended up in the crosshairs of Ultima Generazione (which he has always attacked and which he defines as “Ultima Degeneration”) for his statements on the climate and environmentalism, such as the crusade against cycle paths and the denial that man is involved in the climate change.

And more than once Cruciani indulged in provocation: “When I hear eco-activists speak it makes me want to pollute more than before!”

When the two activists took the stage, Cruciani first teased the girl who shouted environmentalist slogans: “I’ll talk, I’m better at talking than you!”

Then he invited the audience, who had abandoned themselves to boos and insults, to tone it down: “No insults. Interrupting a show is itself an insult, so don’t insult. Don’t put yourselves on the same level.”

Then the phrase, repeated several times, while the activist listed the dangers of using hydrocarbons: “We don’t care! We don’t give a f…!”

In reality the activists did not find fertile ground for their protest: the public was all behind Cruciani.

Vannacci’s arrival

The radio host has repeatedly invited the activist to get off the stage, while her colleague filmed everything with a smartphone. Cruciani finally invoked the intervention of the carabinieri.

At a certain point I had the police called, but before them Roberto Vannacci arrived, whom I had invited since he was also in Turin.

This is what Cruciani declared the following day when interviewed by The newspaper. It’s still:

They are a small sect of privileged extremists because they live in the West. Like the children of the rich who are born in cotton wool but refuse to accept who they are.

For Cruciani, protest is always “legitimate”. But eco-activists are going further:

Everyone can express their opinions. And they have all the means to do it. They are given space on television, in newspapers, there are social media. I say: once upon a time, environmentalists didn’t have all these opportunities to express themselves. So? Then it’s not enough for him anymore. They want to shock. They want to prevent. Prevent others from saying things: to Molinari, to Parenzo, to Capezzone. They think it’s legit.

Antagonism and victimhood

The following evening, on the radio, Cruciani gave his version of the events. In summary: environmentalists would provoke in order to obtain a broken reaction to then be able to pose as victims. This is why it is essential not to give in to anger.

Giuseppe Cruciani Vannacci activists

Photo source: ANSA

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