ALS and smog, the mechanism that damages neurons discovered: the study

ALS and smog, the mechanism that damages neurons discovered: the study
ALS and smog, the mechanism that damages neurons discovered: the study

Air pollution, particularly that caused by fine particles, would cause changes in the brain similar to those observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This is indicated by a new study conducted by the Federico II University of Naples as part of the Mnesys research project, which aims to develop new approaches in neuroscience.

The study in detail

Previous research had already highlighted a link between pollution and ALS, “but the mechanisms of this connection were still unclear”, explained Tullio Florio, full professor of Pharmacology at the University of Genoa and coordinator of Spoke 6 (one of the sub-projects under which Mnesys is structured), presenting the results at the first Forum on neuroscience, held yesterday in Naples.
To carry out the study, the research team explored the connection between exposure to smog and ALS by investigating some molecular mechanisms that cause the loss of motor neurons, i.e. the neurons located within the central nervous system that have the function of controlling directly or indirectly the muscles and their movement.

The results

“The study revealed how PM0.1 and NP20, particles of ultrafine and nanometric dimensions, are capable of inducing a form of neurodegeneration similar to ALS, characterized by the dysfunction and dysregulation of proteins essential for neuronal survival”, reported Agnese Secondo , professor of Pharmacology at the Federico II University of Naples. The discovery “will be useful for the identification of molecular targets towards which to direct new possible drugs”, concluded Florio.


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