We’ve discovered a link between the way you brush your teeth and your memory skills – seeing is believing

An American study has discovered an important connection between brushing your teeth and cognitive degradation: this prevents dementia.

We discovered a link between the way you brush your teeth and your memory capacity: seeing is believing (Inran.it)

Brushing our teeth is one of the activities we do daily, at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed. Those who work at home also manage to brush their teeth after lunch. This is a fundamental habit for the health and hygiene of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth correctly helps prevent cavities, gum inflammation and other oral disorders. But not only.

Brush your teeth correctly and constantly it also helps you feel good. First of all, posture is linked to the teeth. Without absurdity, yet it is so. Dental health contributes to having a straight back and moving well, indicating that everything in the body is interconnected. But now a new study says that the Dental health is also connected to mental health.

Dental health and mental health: brushing your teeth in this way helps prevent senile dementia

Boy brushes teeth in the mirror (Inran.it)

Brushing your teeth in a certain way can prolong your life, avoiding cognitive degradation and memory loss that arise with advancing age. Correct dental hygiene, therefore, is good for your physical and mental health. Not to mention that having healthy teeth helps us chew food well and promote digestive processes. Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast? The answer is not so obvious.

But why is a perfect smile good for the mind? In addition to increase your self-esteemhelping in social relationships, but this is a psychological effect, Healthy teeth promote brain health, counteracting cognitive deterioration. This was revealed by a recent study carried out at the Washington University School of Medicine.

How to support memory and combat the onset of senile dementia? Just brush your teeth, but how? Brushing your teeth normally always helps, but US researchers have found that brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand helps even more. This is an excellent exercise for strengthening memory and creating neural connections.

Exercises to do daily to train the brain and fight cognitive degradation

Faster neural connections fight brain aging and they prepare the body and mind for a more immediate and clear reaction. So, what to do? Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand. If you are right-handed, just brush your teeth with your left hand, if you are left-handed, just do it with the other hand. Of course, they brush their teeth with greater difficulty, but it’s a matter of habit. Just learn the exercise.

Knowing manage the non-dominant hand It helps a lot with mental health. It is a very effective mental training to combat cognitive degradation, just as it helps to perform the most common actions with the hand you rarely use. This is because the brain is put to the test and needs to concentrate more. In fact, researchers recommend carry out the simplest actions with your non-dominant hand.

In this way, day after day, you train your brain and prevent dementia. Brushing your teeth is just one of the simplest actions you can do. Other actions to carry out with the left hand, if you are right-handed, include passing a cloth to clean a surface, using the broom, drinking with the left hand, brushing your hair and many other daily actions. Developing these healthy habits can help prevent dementia.

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