it’s not just AIDS and it’s increasing in young adults

Between 30 and 40% of males between the ages of 16 and 18 live with an andrological disorder. Which puts health at risk globally but in particular future fertility.
In all EuropeOn the other hand, the increase in cases of sexually transmitted infections, in particular syphilis, is worrying, gonorrhea and chlamydia. Especially in young adult men. This is confirmed by the latest epidemiological report that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) carries out annually.

In 2023, the number of reports saw a significant increase compared to the previous year, with an increase in gonorrhea cases of 48%, syphilis by 34% and chlamydia by 16%. In our country, 1,396 cases of chlamydia have been recorded per 100,000 inhabitants. A figure slightly higher than the 1,198 in 2018. As regards syphilis in Italy, 2,540 cases per 100,000 inhabitants were recorded with a rate of 4.3, well below the European average (8.8) but in fact doubled when compared to 2018 when 1,526 cases were recorded with a rate of 2.5. A similar situation is also found for gonorrhea: 1,943 cases per 100,000 inhabitants with a rate of 3.3 much lower than the 17.9 European average, but with a clear worsening compared to previous years. In 2018, Italy had 905 confirmed cases.

«We must make young men understand that for any doubt they must and can contact theandrologist without fear – explains Alessandro Palmieri, president of the Italian Society of Andrology – There are 2 million under 35s with an andrological problem, but only 1 in 5 knows that it can compromise fertility, only 33% of eighteen-year-old males always use a condom, very few they understand what sexually transmitted diseases are. For over 50% there is only theAids. Today’s kids have the same knowledge and ideas as those of ten years ago.”


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