If you notice these spots on your nails, call your doctor immediately: the diagnosis is clear and you should not underestimate it

If you notice these spots on your nails, call your doctor immediately: the diagnosis is clear and you should not underestimate it
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Nails must be cared for or they can suffer from serious diseases. Pay attention to any stains that may appear.

Nails, in addition to being an aesthetic element, are also an important indicator of our overall health. Sudden changes in nail color coupled with pain and discomfort may be signs of underlying problems that require medical attention.

First of all it should be emphasized that it is It is essential to consult a doctor if you notice any abnormal changes in your nails. In fact, a professional will be able to give an accurate assessment and timely treatment. And among the various signals that nails can give, color is one of the most obvious and significant. Let’s see which symptoms we need to pay particular attention to and what these signs can mean.

Stains on nails: causes, risks and prevention

The brown nails are often a warning sign, particularly when it comes to onychomycosis. This disorder, caused by microorganisms such as fungi, mold and yeast, can manifest itself with color changes in the nails, including brown. Onychomycosis often affect the toenails, mainly due to theenvironment conducive to the growth of fungi inside shoes, where heat and humidity are higher. Furthermore, toenails are more subject to trauma, which can favor the settlement of microorganisms.

Brown nails can be a symptom of onychomycosis – Biopianeta.it

Treatment of onychomycosis varies depending on the severity of the disorder. Topical antifungal drugs, nail trimming and systematic treatments they can be used to fight infection. Knowing the risk factors, such as humid environments, non-breathable shoes and compromised immune system, is essential to take preventive measures and reduce the risk of developing onychomycosis. Subsequently, by scrupulously following the doctor’s instructions and maintaining constant nail hygiene, recurrences can be prevented.

Finally, although rare, Another disease that presents a change in the color of the nail as a symptom is nail melanoma. This is a serious form of cancer that can appear when a dark band forms on the nail. It is important to pay attention to symptoms such as destruction of the nail plate or the formation of nodules around the nail, and, even in this case, consult a doctor immediately if suspected.

In conclusion, changes in nail color can be indicators of underlying health problems, ranging from common fungal infection to nail melanoma. It is crucial to pay attention to these signs and always consult a doctor for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Self-diagnosis can be risky, so it is always advisable to seek professional advice doctor before making any decisions regarding your health.


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