All-Purpose Antiviral Found: It’s Effective on Coronaviruses

All-Purpose Antiviral Found: It’s Effective on Coronaviruses
All-Purpose Antiviral Found: It’s Effective on Coronaviruses

Respiratory infections: Antibiotic ointments could help fight them

Perhaps it is finally possible to breathe a sigh of relief regarding the effects of some of the most feared respiratory viruses in circulation, including the infamous Covid-19: the scientific community has in fact developed a antivirals highly effective, potentially capable of preventing the replication of these viruses in the human body.

The discovery

A new study coordinated by Yale School of Medicine and from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill led to the discovery of an experimental antiviral drug, called obeldesivirwhich has proven effective against viruses including those responsible for the common cold and the much more dangerous Mers. The discovery of obeldesivir represents a significant step in the fight against current and future pandemics, as coronaviruses continue to evolve, generating variations that can escape immunity induced by existing vaccines. From here emerges the central role of scientific research, fundamental to guaranteeing humanity as a whole a growing number of protection tools against threats to global health.

The study above also highlighted another aspect: one of the most promising aspects that emerged with respect to obeldesivir is its ability to enhance the effectiveness of other antivirals. When administered together with nirmatrelvir, one of the components of the anti-Covid drug Paxlovid, obeldesivir showed a synergistic effect, improving the overall effectiveness of the treatment. This suggests that a combination of drugs could be an effective strategy to tackle similar infections, reducing the likelihood that the virus will develop resistance to treatments.

The experimentation

One shouldn’t celebrate victory too soon, although the prospects are certainly promising. Before obeldesivir can be used on a large scale, further tests are needed to confirm these preliminary results. The drug is currently being tested to assess its effectiveness in treating Covid-19 in humans. If the results prove positive, obeldesivir could become a key component in Treatment protocols for Covid-19 and other coronavirus infections.

Antibiotic ointments

The good news regarding the fight against respiratory viruses does not end there. The professor Akiko Iwasakiprofessor of Immunology at Yale University in the United States, together with his research team, has conducted a revolutionary study that could represent an important turning point also with regards to the prevention of this type of disease. The research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencessuggests that neomycin, an ingredient commonly found in wound healing ointments and antibiotic creams, could offer effective protection against a range of viral infections when applied to the nose.

The neomycin is an antibiotic long known for its ability to treat bacterial infections on the skin. In most cases it is used as an ingredient in ointments and creams to treat small cuts, abrasions and other skin lesions. However, Professor Iwasaki and his team found that, in addition to its well-known antibacterial properties, neomycin could have a crucial role in preventing respiratory viral infections if used in the right way. To obtain the desired result, it seems, it could be enough to spread a small amount of product on the nostrils, thus ensuring an effective barrier to the entry of viruses.

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