In Campania there are 56 positives for Covid-19 (out of 14,659 tests). Incidence: 0.4% (stable)

Coronavirus, tests in Campania at Cotugno. In the photo: the entrance to the Cotugno Hospital

In Campania there were positives for Covid-19 56 in the past week (16 – 22 May 2024), found from the examination of 14,659 tests, according to the aggregated data from the Regions – Ministry of Health – Istituto Superiore di Sanità, released on December 1st. They had been registered in the previous week 63 total cases out of 14,549 tests carried out in the five provinces of Campania. The positivity rate is at 0.4% (it was 0.4% seven days ago). It was established in the period under consideration 1 death due to Covid-19, 1 in the previous week. GENERAL SITUATION IN CAMPANIA. The currently positive cases of Covid-19 in Campania are 4,714, which brings the total from February 2020 to 2,548,778. The recovered people rise to 2,531,918, while the overall number of deaths in Campania is 12,146 since February 2020, according to the ministerial report.

Analisi regionale

POSITIVES FOR CORONAVIRUS IN THE PROVINCES OF CAMPANIA: THE WEEKLY SUMMARY. The Department of Civil Protection has released the update relating to positive coronavirus cases in Campania in provincial areas since the beginning of the epidemic (March 2020). Data from May 22, 2024 (in brackets the increase compared to the previous 24 hours from the last reading): a Naples 1,340,468 (+5)to Salerno 487,545 (+5)to Caserta 398,338 (+1), to Avellino 171,694 (+0)to Benevento 107,587 (+0).
IN IRPINIA. The number of coronavirus positives in Irpinia is 5found by swabs (both antigenic and molecular) examined in the authorized laboratories of the province of Avellino last week (9 – 15 May 2024), according to the table reported by the Ministry of Health, in the usual weekly report published on 23 May 2024. The total cases since February 2020 have risen to 171,694 (from 171,689).

Bollettino settimanale

IN ITALY WEEK FROM 16 TO 22 MAY 2024. As part of the weekly health monitoring relating to the spread of the new Coronavirus on the national territory, they are 155,604 the people currently certified positive in Italy, for a total of 26,727,987 (since February 2020) with 26,375,821 healed. The total number of deaths is 196,561. According to the update, they are registered during the week 862 new cases (were 923 a week ago), while declared 8 deaths from Covid-19 (17 were those registered in the previous 7 days): this number is confirmed by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità once the actual cause of death has been established. The positivity rate stands at 1.0% (it was 1.0%).

Covid-19 bulletin released by the Ministry of Health. Week 16 – May 22, 2024. Publication date: May 23, 2024

Starting from 28 October 2022, the publication of aggregate Covid-19 surveillance data will take place on a weekly basis. Daily aggregate data is available every Friday.


Anti COVID-19 Vaccines Report – Commissioner of the Emergency and the Ministry of Health

Last updated on: 5-23-2024 | Total administrations with adapted XBB 1.5 vaccine

Weekly administration of the booster with XBB 1.5

  • Vaccinations IN ITALY from 05/17/2024 to the 05/23/2024: 156
  • Vaccinations IN CAMPANIA total: 45,325

  • Historical Covid-19 vaccination data up to 09/24/2023

ANTI COVID VACCINATIONS IN ITALY. As part of the health monitoring relating to vaccination against the new Coronavirus on the national territory, people who have received both the first and second doses of the vaccine are 48,730.287 (equal to 90.25% of the Italian population aged 12 and over). The third dose (booster booster to those who have completed the vaccination cycle for at least five months / additional) was administered to 40,494,455 people (84.89%). Second booster dose (Fourth dose): 6,731,575 (16.89%). Third booster dose (Fifth dose): 527,680 (8.61%). Band pediatric (5-11 years), with second dose: 1,293,171 (35.37%)with booster dose: 5,983 (0.46%).

FAQ FROM THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH: all the answers to questions about the Immuni App |

For information on Covid-19 in Campania and Italy, consult the links: Anti Covid-19 vaccines | Questions and Answers | FAQ from the Ministry of Health: click here | Anti Covid-19 vaccines | Questions and Answers | FAQ from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS): click here.

Italian Medicines Agency – AIFA, ASL Avellino, ASL di Avellino and «Moscati» hospital, Azienda Ospedaliera Della Colli Cotugno Hospital Naples, nursing homes in the province of Avellino, Caserta, Coronavirus, Covid-19, ASL Avellino Health District, Mercogliano , Ministry of Health, ASL “Criscuoli” hospital unit, ASL Sant’Ottone Frangipane hospital unit, Ariano Irpino emergency room, Civil Protection, Fourth anti-Covid dose, Campania Region, San Prisco, Coronavirus Task Force in Campania, Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca

Covid-19 positives in Campania

Covid-19 positives in Campania

Covid-19 positives in Campania

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