Fiorello, the chilling truth about his relationship with Rai: “My contract ends…”

Fiorello, the chilling truth about his relationship with Rai: “My contract ends…”
Fiorello, the chilling truth about his relationship with Rai: “My contract ends…”
Fiorello – Depositphotos –

It seems that even for Rosario Fiorello the news that everyone feared has arrived. The end of a contract is involved.

The very strong friendship that binds the Campania showman is no longer a mystery to anyone Rosario Fiorello with another conductor, who until the end of the TV season 2023/2024 has been a cornerstone of the RAI, that is Amadeus. For many years we have seen them in the summer hosting Festivalbar.

Per Amedeo Sebastiani However, his stay at the institution has now ended. Flagship Network of the Viale Mazzin Companyie its imminent landing in is not a mystery to anyone Discovery starting from the month of September 2024where he will practically reach his colleague Fabio Fazioalready there in force since last year.

Amadeusunfortunately for his early admirers, will not therefore keep the promise that has been in the air for a long time of leading the fifth consecutive lap the prestigious Sanremo Festivalin the dual role of conductor e artistic director. A big concern now, however, concerns Little Flower.

However, taking a small step back we can state that, as just mentioned, the 2023/2024 TV season concluded very recently, it constituted a real miscellany of schedule changesboth for the Viale Mazzini Company and for the Biscione Company, and for various managements, including departures and returns.

Fiorello always ahead with his head held high

Fabio Fazio and now Amadeusas mentioned above, greeted Rai at the time of New ones, Barbara D’Urso she saw herself replaced by Myrta Merlino to the management of Afternoon FiveWhile Bianca Berlinguer she also moved from Rai to Retequattro. On Rai Uno instead the afternoon program of Serena Bortone has been replaced by the return, which has already been much talked about, of Catherine Balivo.

E Little Flower? Many will be wondering. The Sicilian showmanas a shrewd professional and on the crest of the wave that he is, still proves today that he is, he has never stopped and has held high faith in his television commitments, into which he pours all his enormous effort, without letting himself be affected by what happens around him. But now he talked about the end of a contract.

Fiorello – Depositphotos –

“My contract ends…”, the frightening words of the showman

Let’s start by saying that Rosario he never showed any intention of wanting to reach his friend Or to Discovery, but made it known once and for all, as reported by the pages of the Republic edited by Entertainment editorial teamas he is today at a contractual level with the Viale Mazzini Company.

“I never belong to a company. I am libero. My contract start at the first episode of a program e ends last“, were the words of Fiore regarding his connection with the companies he works for. However, his admirers can rest easy. In fact, it seems like now is not yet willing to abandon Rai.

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