Feeling between Annalisa and Tananai (7+), 10 for Angelina Mango’s look – DiLei

Feeling between Annalisa and Tananai (7+), 10 for Angelina Mango’s look – DiLei
Feeling between Annalisa and Tananai (7+), 10 for Angelina Mango’s look – DiLei

Il Tim Summer Hits has been the event of the summer since 2022. And in 2024 the choice of cast was nothing short of spot on, between catchphrases and great classics, the right mix that also energized the audience at home. The prime time aired on June 28, 2024, hosted by Charles Conti e Andrea Delogu. The musical show saw great protagonists on the stage in Piazza del Popolo, with a special opening: the concert was recorded from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th June.

The event is not live, but was recorded: our report cards, and the 10s are flocking, especially to the Big ones, from Antonello Venditti and his Night before examswhich always willingly takes us back in time, and Gianna Nannini, the rocker par excellence. But she is no less the youngest Angelina Mangofresh from Sanremo 2024, where he triumphed with Boredom.

The departure with Antonello Venditti, nights of exams. Rating: 10

Is there an artist who accompanies all generations? Yes, and his name is Antonello Venditti. The departure of Tim Summer Hits with a hit, a masterpiece, like Night before exams, it is the moment that unites several generations in an instant, those who are now experiencing this important transition period of life, those who have lived it and those who remember, and those who dream that one day it will come. Venditti’s voice can be heard, but in the background there are thousands of voices equally ready to be heard by the public. If love is love

Annalisa and Tananai, the hit of the moment. Rating: 7+

It seems like August ’96’… con Annalisa and Tananaiwe dream (and dance) all summer long, in the summer version ballad. Short stories it is a song that celebrates love when it is deep, unique. Not short, fleeting, as they are usually described summer love affairs. A connection that goes far beyond sentiment, and that ties two souls. Not the usual catchphrase, and the union of the two voices is fantastic: even the feeling on stage, in the end, not bad. Honorable mention to Annalisa’s lookwhich never disappoints: simply fabulous.

Elodie makes Piazza del Popolo dance. Rating: 7

In Piazza del Popolo, when Elodie arrived, you could hear it. Applause for the Queen of Hits, who has been accompanying us for years with her voice and summer hits. The audience was nothing short of involved by the artist, who, at the end of the performance, was almost running away from the stage. Joined by Carlo Conti and Andrea Delogu, she said very ready for the concert at Maradona in Naples in 2025. One year to go, but everything is already ready. And at Tim Summer Hits he left us breathless as always with a semi-transparent look, a great passion of his, a bit of a trademark.

Gianna Nannini sings Bello e impossibile, and wins. Vote: 10+

Gianna Nanniniaged 70, is still the Rocker more Rocker than all. There is no story for anyone: it is pure magic, for the old and new generations. And when he sang Beautiful and impossiblethe entire audience responded with affection, involvement. Not one voice, but a chorus of voices. And in the end the audience, supported by Conti, chanted: “Gianna”. The number one, who “hugged” the many fans in Piazza del Popolo at the end of the performance.

Mahmood worries about the fans. Vote on merit

Ra ta ta, every word is a bullet. Mahmood has once again confirmed himself as the artist on the side of young people and fans in every way. There were those who waited in line for 13 hourswith 30 degrees, just to see him. And he promptly, once he read the sign, became concerned about his fans and the public. “Are you drinking?”. What can I say? The man, even before the artist. And with Gold Tracksuitin the second performance, rocked.

Angelina Mango with Boredom never bores. Rating: 8. But 10 for the look

Melodrama. The winner of Sanremo 2024, Angelina Mango, launched into a very rhythmic dance for the new single, taken from the album Poker Melodrama. Like them vere pop starand moreover, according to the Timesshe could be the next Italian world pop star. “Good blood doesn’t lie“, commented Conti. And that’s exactly it: “A little”. Ready to start the European tour, and with a great desire to rock. Unmissable Boredom on the stage of Tim Summer Hits, and it’s immediately Sanremo vibes, with Conti hosting the 2025 edition. For the performance, we give it a good 8. But the look… is a 10! Mango is one very young style iconwhich draws from hippie chic and boho chic, with that slightly pop.

The Kolors with Italodisco and it’s immediately summer 2023. Rating: 9

Incredible and absurd mix per The Kolorswhich really, for a while, make the kids forget about cell phones in their hands: everyone has “thrown themselves” into Italodisco, A boy, a girlwith the hottest pieces from the group’s repertoire from the last year, on the crest of the wave. Stash it’s a stage animaland his contribution to the event was felt. This is not Ibiza…it’s Tim Summer Hits, and the choice of cast is crazy, as is the release order of the artists, in a crescendo of emotions and catchphrases.

Carlo Conti and Andrea Delogu, chemistry skyrocketing. Rating: 7+

Tim Sanremo Hits. Sincerely, Gold suit, Boredom, I p’ me, you p’ you. A dive into vibes Sanremo of 2024, awaiting those of 2025, which marks the return of Carlo Conti to the management. The presenter is always measured, on every occasion: he is the good face of Rai, the professional who completes the event without mistakes. But it is with Andrea Delogu that the harmony can be felt and seen: there are no imbalances, they work and the feeling gives us hope for the next Sanremo. Who knows. There Delogu is now well established with Tim Summer Hits, who conducts impeccably.

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