Asia Argento, dedication to Bourdain on his birthday

When the news of the death of spread six years ago Anthony Bourdain, the world of entertainment and catering, of which he had been part for over twenty years, was astonished and amazed. A sudden and dramatic disappearance, told in the documentary Roadrunnerwhich shocked the many friends of the American gastronome and writer, who first became famous for his best-selling book Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, he had built over the course of his career. Among the most affectionate memories, which are renewed every year on the anniversary of his passing, is that of Asia Silverwho had been romantically linked to the chef since 2016. This month the chef would have turned 66, an anniversary that the Italian actress wanted to remember with a special dedication published on her birthday.

Asia Argento’s dedication to Bourdain

I will Always Love You. Life goes on but it will never be the same without you“, Asia Argento wrote, accompanying a series of shots shared on Instagram. “Time heals no wound. I miss you every day. In my dreams I talk to you, I kiss you, you’re still with me. Parties are particularly unbearable. Happy birthday in a higher and lighter place than this”. Before concluding: “Three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record: you’re so cool, you’re so cool, you’re so cool”. The post, later removed, received the support of many fans, but also sparked a lot of controversy among those who claim that the actress contributed to the death of Bourdain, who fell into a deep state of depression.

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Asia Argento with Anthony Bourdain in 2017.

The couple had just broken up at the time, but according to the actress, the two remained on good terms, although it appears that on the day of the suicide they had argued furiously on the phone. Argento spoke about that tragic day again in 2022 during an interview on Domenica In, confessing that she had often blamed herself for the disappearance of her ex-partner. At the time, the chef often took refuge in alcohol, as did the actress herself. A condition that perhaps did not allow anyone to live their relationship peacefully and which may have ultimately contributed to the chef’s death.

ANGELA WEISS//Getty Images

Asia and Anthony were together from 2016 to 2018.

“We’ve argued many times before. It’s not like someone takes their life for this. When someone is depressed — you can also see it in the messages he sent to his wife (“I hate my life, I hate my fans”) —, there’s a big lesson that we all have to learn,” Argento said at the time.Suicide is an extreme gesture, but those who do it at that moment are only looking for relief. He’s not trying to really die, he just wants to stop the thoughts of him that are too heavy, too strong, from depressionwhich is a disease that is unfortunately everywhere, like bipolar disorder, which unfortunately Anthony suffered from. We were both alone, but together we had a sense of humor that was a little dark. We supported each other, we were close to each other, we loved each other. We found ourselves together with our character defects, but unfortunately two alcoholics together drown and that’s what happened. It’s something I live with, we all live with terrible losses”.

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