Cristian Totti, broadside from haters: then the “Pupone” intervenes

Cristian Totti, broadside from haters: then the “Pupone” intervenes
Cristian Totti, broadside from haters: then the “Pupone” intervenes

AND a remake of a film already seen. Not long ago, Totti’s daughter and Ilary Blasi, of Chanel fame, was attacked by haters for “daring” to post a photo on vacation with her boyfriend, Cristian Babalus. Today it happens to his brother of Chanel, instead. Cristian Totti gets a good barrage of social criticism, for the similar mistake of having published a shot with his girlfriend, Melissa Monti. And just like then, now it’s up to “Pupone” to calm the waters. With the weapon that the former Roma captain has always used in his favor: l’ironia. After all, who doesn’t remember (with a slight smile) Francesco Totti’s famous jokes? Let’s see below all the details about the story.

Cristian Totti, social hatred explodes

As usual the measure of things is missing. All it takes is for a famous kid to post a photo, in which he is perhaps happy, for the people frustrated with keyboards to feel the duty to intervene. For this reason, unfortunately, this time it fell to Cristian Totti. The son of Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti, in fact, has made the reckless move of moves: publishing a post with his girlfriend. Three photos, also shared by her on Instagram today. That was enough to blow the lid off.

Lei, Melissa Montiwho has been together with Cristian for two years, also put a tender note at the bottom of the post: “My favorite person” (my favorite person). And the shots are equally sweet: Cristian is in an electric blue suit with a white t-shirt underneath, very simple. Melissa instead has a cream-white dress, with shiny studs. He has one confident model look experienced, and perhaps for this reason, that is, out of envy, the haters took it out on her first and foremost. According to some should avoid surgery aesthetics, because it gets ruined (but it doesn’t look like it’s been redone at all). While others say it’s beautiful, true, but it looks like a 30 year old.” And Cristian? “Simply Totti’s son. Point”.

The (ironic) comment of father Francesco Totti

And there are also those who are much harsher about Francis’ heir. They say it’s bad. But does it make sense to write stuff like that to two teenagers? He’s 18, she’s 19. It really makes sense to attack them, even if they are privileged and enjoy life? Luckily, the “Pupone” took care of putting everything back into the right perspective. He spoke in the Roman way, with his legs straight and in full Capitoline “slang”. “To beautiful”wrote Francesco Totti under the post. And he immediately reminded us why we love him so much. And because hating doesn’t make sense, especially if the victims are kids. Much better to have a good laugh.

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