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Eleonora Giorgi, the confession about the tumor: “Tears of blood”

Eleonora Giorgi, the confession about the tumor: “Tears of blood”
Eleonora Giorgi, the confession about the tumor: “Tears of blood”

Eleonora Giorgi it’s an open book. Guest on June 26th at Summer Liveon Rai 1, the actress has in fact updated fans on her illness against a terrible pancreatic cancerGiorgi was not afraid to show all her fragilities live, between dark thoughts about the future and the effort of going through the inevitable treatments, including a new cycle heavy with chemotherapy. But talking about these things out loud can be good sometimes. And in any case, these are health issues that the public at home cares about a lot. Let’s see the details below.

Eleonora Giorgi, the confessions on the tumor

There are those who close themselves in pain and those who don’t. Eleonora Giorgi, in the recent episode of Summer Live, has proven to definitely belong to the second category. That of those who don’t give up, and put their face into it, even at the cost of attracting the pity of the masses. Because basically Everyone has their own way of going through pain: Giorgi’s also passes through TV, that is, through dialogue with people at home. People who can then, through social media, if they want, make themselves heard amazing support to those who feel in difficulty.

For this reason, also, Eleonora Giorgi she let off steam in front of the host Rai 1 Nunzia De Girolamo. “I’m a bit fragile”, she explained in the studio, “I entered a period of fragility. I try not to burden others but I have moments of weakness”. A pancreatic tumor caught her off guard, and now she is forced to pursue difficult treatments, teetering on the edge of a precipice that sometimes it’s quite scary. Even though she, the actress, with a hint of pride, said she was satisfied with her life so far. She has no particular grudges, she accepts what she did and what they did to her, for better or for worse. My only thought goes to my children and grandchildren: “If I think about leaving between children and grandchildren I hear tears of blood crying.”

But it is better not to think about itto certain eventualities. Much better to focus on small steps, the mountain to climb day after day. After six months of chemotherapy, Eleonora Giorgi if you prepare Now to a new round of treatment. Perhaps decisive. And to give a blow to bad luck, she showed up at the court of De Girolamo with the very blonde and well-groomed hairreceiving many compliments. She did it, she says, to get revenge after the chemo, since she had practically no hair falling out. Now, however, the new cycle promises to be tougher. It is likely that this time she will lose her beautiful hair. “Then I said they have to fall blond”, comments Giorgi. In short, the message is clear: if something like this has to happen, it will happen according to the terms that Eleonora dictates.

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