William and Kate search for a “correspondence officer” on LinkedIn: only 111 respond

111 nominations

So far it seems that only 111 applications have arrived: after all, the job offer lasted only five days on the profile «The Household of TRH The Prince and Princess of Wales», the official company page on LinkedIn, even if you just need to check the site website of the same to discover that there is time until June 28th before the applications will no longer be taken into consideration.

The Household of the Princes of Wales like any company

The Household of TRH The Prince and Princess of Wales, Maniscalco explains, «is as if it were any other company, bank or institution and, thus, the search for the collaborator of the English royals was published simply via LinkedIn Jobs. The working hours were indicated in the announcement (this is a full-time role): 37.5 per week, from Monday to Friday; as well as the location, mainly at Kensington Palace, however it will be necessary to travel to other royal residences in the United Kingdom as needed.”

The characteristics of the ideal candidate

But what are the characteristics of the ideal candidate? Among the skills requested in the announcement: «Excellent communication skills, understanding and interpretation of complex information relating to the portfolio» and the ability to «make decisions on the possible responses to be given and act appropriately when faced with requests, collaborate with individuals and internal and external stakeholders, including very elderly ones.” In short, William and Kate are looking for an “enthusiastic, motivated and proactive person with strong administrative and organizational skills”.

King Charles’ Household is also on LinkedIn

Princes aren’t the only ones using LinkedIn. «Also The Royal Household, which is headed by King Charles and his wifehas its own page on the social network where two positions are currently active”, says Maniscalco: “Data Protection Manager (full time job, in hybrid mode for 50 thousand pounds per year) and a Data Protection Advisor (same conditions with one salary up to 40 thousand pounds per year)”. The English royals also have the pages of their foundations The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales and The Royal Foundation Center for Early Childhood on LinkedIn. There, at the moment we are not looking for staff, “but the two pages are very active with posts dedicated to partnerships, results achieved in recent years and above all to underline their charitable missions in the reference sectors”, underlines Maniscalco.

Operations to develop visibility among professionals

The Royal Collection Trust, one of the five departments of the Royal Household, which takes care of the Royal Collection, is also present on LinkedIn. «Even in this case there is an active job search for Ticketing and Sales Assistant Manager, published on June 25.” According to Maniscalco however «these are not simple personnel searches (as in the case of William and Kate), but operations to develop visibility and brand awareness for the Crown also on target and professional users. LinkedIn is in fact a social channel in which it is possible to communicate on themes and topics different from those published on Instagram or Tik Tok, addressing professionals, companies and stakeholders who are present almost exclusively on this network”.

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