«Fedez’s charity doesn’t interest us», then the threat

Fedez makes peace with the Codacons and the president becomes his main supporter. In the episode of Farwest broadcast on Monday evening on Rai 3, what we would never have imagined happened, Carlo Rienzi defended Chiara Ferragni’s ex-husband vigorously against the accusations of Selvaggia Lucarelli regarding charitable initiatives. Not only that, the President also launched a dig that the author of “Pandoro’s Box” read as a threat. A clash that was at times surreal, but still worth seeing again.

Lucarelli – Codacons clash

In Monday evening’s episode, Farwest returned to talk about Fedez, the Iovino case and the correlation with the slap given to the rapper Naska and the charity initiatives. Guests Selvaggia Lucarelli and the President of Codacons Carlo Rienzi. A clash arose between the two, at times surreal, which however revealed a change of direction by the consumer association towards the rapper.

«Fedez’s charity doesn’t interest us»

In one of the broadcast’s reports we talked about the various i’scharitable initiatives of Fedez including that for the earthquake victims of Amatrice and that for children suffering from cancer. At the end of the report, the President of Codacons arrives in the studio, admits that he didn’t see him well but finds in the words of the journalist Rebecca Pecori a certain “hardness towards Fedez”, furthermore he underlined that Fedez’s issues, being dated, do not are of interest.

«We are not aware of any opaqueness regarding Fedez’s charity – declares Rienzi – also because we have never dealt with it, we are welcome if someone takes care of it. Even if they shouldn’t do it aggressively. What I noticed in the report was that the journalist seemed a little heated. Even if charity is small, it is important to do it.”

«I am shocked by the words of the President of Codacons – replies Selvaggia Lucarelli in connection – Are you talking about fury towards Fedez because a journalist asked him questions? He reported Chiara Ferragni to 104 prosecutors in Italy and is he talking about persistence? It makes me smile a little.”

But Rienzi seems like a rubber wall: «And so if I was interested in Ferragni, should I also be interested in her husband? We became interested in Ferragni because Pandoro had a fraudulent plan and we made a complaint to 104 public prosecutor’s offices and obtained Ferragni’s indictment. We (Codacons, ed.), not you. This doesn’t mean that we also have to analyze all of Fedez’s donations. Is that clear? You are right to report it, but leave us out of it.”

The threat

The bickering continues with the Codacos president’s strong defense: «We have not waged any war with anyone. But if something negative happened we reported it, as we reported other people and as we will also denounce her – turning to Selvaggia Lucarelli – if it were to happen. It could happen to anyone. She was also involved in a couple of rather sensitive issues I read on the internet. I looked on Google and there are some things I don’t want to talk about.”

Words that make the presenter Salvo Sottile smile, saying that he too was sued by Codacons, but not Lucarelli: «But what is this vaguely threatening attitude, is he threatening me? Rienzi has already reported me several times for events of some importance in the country, such as my ex-boyfriend who participated in Dancing with the Stars: she reported me for conflicts of interest. How did it end? I ended up in jail.”


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