from the dispute to the complaints, what is happening

She is at the restaurant with her partner and daughter Anna, he is walking in front of the restaurant with his children Jacopo and the eldest Ottavia. Perhaps because of one word too many, the meeting between exes becomes more heated, the situation degenerates, requiring the intervention of the Carabinieri. Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti today find themselves on the front pages of all the newspapers for a quarrel which took place before the eyes of those present (and on their smartphones with the videos already in possession of the police) and news that immediately spread like wildfire.

Dominique Charriau//Getty Images

The couple on the red carpet of the 2022 Venice Film Festival

The love story between Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti

Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti, we loved each other so much. It was 2007 when the Tuscan director and the Roman actress met and fell in love on the set of Whole life ahead. Two years later they married, in 2010 Jacopo was born and three years later Anna. In November 2018, the first rumors of a deep crisis began to circulate due to distance and work commitments, she returned the following year and sealed with a sweet photo on social media in which she reminded the world who “My Man” was. At the end of 2022, two prestigious red carpets will take place together complete with kisses for the camera, first at the Venice Film Festival and then at the Rome Film Festival.

Micaela Ramazzotti and Paolo Virzìpinterest
Franco Origlia//Getty Images

Micaela Ramazzotti and Paolo Virzì at the premiere of The Shadow of Caravaggio at the Rome Film Festival in October 2022

The end of the marriage in 2023

In April 2023 the news of a marriage that has come to an end again. “It’s not the first time, it happened cyclically that they moved away. We need to see if this will be the definitive one”, wrote a source to the weekly Today. A few months later, Micaela presents to the world her new boyfriend, the personal trainer Claudio Pallitto born in 1985, with whom he paraded on the red carpet of the David di Donatello last May, making the relationship official.

Micaela Ramazzotti and her partner Claudio Pallitto at the David di Donatello 2024pinterest
Vittorio Zunino Celotto//Getty Images

Micaela Ramazzotti and her partner Claudio Pallitto at the David di Donatello 2024

Claudio Pallitto, who is Micaela Ramazzotti’s new boyfriend

Pallitto, who runs a gym on the Appia on the outskirts of Rome, has a CV in show biz: the 39-year-old took part in the Italia 1 reality show Tamarreidfocused on the world of “tamarri” but also some parts in two films by Paolo Virzì, Every single day and then Drought. The personal trainer also appears in HappinessMicaela Ramazzotti’s first film as director.

The argument between exes at the restaurant

Micaela and Paolo, a great love in life but also on setseemed to have said goodbye quietly and without rancor, at least until Monday 17 June, when their break up ended up on everyone’s lips. The two exes became the protagonists of a furious altercation outside a restaurant in Rome in Piazza Albania which would have required the intervention of the police. Second The messenger, the first to report the news, an ambulance would also arrive on site. “Micaela Ramazzotti and her new partner refused 118 help, while Paolo Virzì was treated on the spot for some scratches on his arm”, the reconstruction of the Capitoline newspaper.

“We had to call the police after the argument escalated. The customers, sitting at the tables, appeared annoyed and above all frightened by what was happening. A point had to be made,” confirmed the owner of the restaurant to Corriere della Sera.

It was a short step from the dispute to the complaints. On Wednesday 19 June, as always told by Courier, the carabinieri would have received reports from Virzì and Ramazzotti. The director from Livorno, who also complains of scratches and punches against his 35-year-old daughter Ottavia Virzì (born from his previous relationship with the actress Tiziana Cruciani who was also present during the fight) would have filed a complaint against his ex and her partner for “injuries and private violence” attaching his and his eldest daughter’s emergency room report. Ramazzotti and Pallitto also reported Virzì while the soldiers of the Aventino station are continuing to acquire images from the surveillance cameras of the restaurant and videos recorded by those present at the restaurant.

The replies of Paolo Virzì and Micaela Ramazzotti after the incident

Virzì with a statement released by Handle on the afternoon of June 20 he tried to tone it down asking for “confidentiality” for his entire family and reiterating his esteem and affection for his ex-wife defined as “a very important woman, the mother of two of my children and an actress of extraordinary talent, protagonist of films that I love very much” and then commented “I trust that we will all find a way to resolve this incident”.

An olive branch which according to Micaela would be anything but a sincere and relaxing gesture. “I do not intend to go into the merits of events which, I am sure, will be clarified by the judicial authorities responsible for this matter”, the actress born in 1979 informed theHandle, “I am not surprised by Paolo’s frantic attempt to preserve only his own public image. On the other hand, he has always cared more about that than the serenity of his family and his loved ones or presumed such.”

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