Justin Timberlake was arrested: everything we know

Problems with justice for Justin Timberlake. The singer, 43, was arrested on the night of Monday, June 17 in Sag Harbor, on Long Island, and is currently in custody. The news, spread by various US media, is true, as also confirmed by the police, who have not yet disclosed all the accusations against Timberlake. It is already known, however, that Timberlake would have been stopped for DWI, or for driving under the influence of drugs, a definition which can include different types of products. According to the site **TMZ, **Timberlake would have been stopped almost immediately by the police, after spending an evening at the American Hotel with some friends. “No one was injured,” a spokesperson for the Sag Harbor Police Department told the press – he reports People – «He will be called to trial».

The arrest is an unusual novelty in the CV of Justin Timberlake, who has always given an impeccable image of himself, especially since he is married to the actress Jessica Biel and started a family with her. The two are parents of Silas, 9 years old, and Phineas, 4, protagonists of two rare social images shared by the singer last June 16th, on the occasion of Father’s Day, with relative dedication.

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«My two greatest gifts. I learn more about myself every day thanks to you who chose me as your dad. I will always be there for you, through your ups and downs… to lift you up and show you how high this life can take you and to pick you up when you fall. And, of course, to shower you with insufferable jokes all along the way. I love you both so much. Thank you for giving me my greatest purpose,” his words.

However, no comments or communications have been released on the arrest, at least so far. Justin Timberlake is currently busy with his Forget Tomorrow World Tour, but it is unclear whether the next dates will be confirmed or not. Last Saturday he performed at the Kaseya Center in Miami and has two more concerts scheduled for next weekend, at the United Center in Chicago, while next week he should be at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Probation is still mandatory.

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