Maria Soave at Agorà Estate, ‘I will give answers to people’ – Last hour

Maria Soave at Agorà Estate, ‘I will give answers to people’ – Last hour
Maria Soave at Agorà Estate, ‘I will give answers to people’ – Last hour

Maria Soave, a well-known face of Tg1, moves to the third network to host the new edition of “Agorà Estate” from 17 June, live from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 10:00. “I have already hosted Uno Mattina and Tg1 Mattina, which is a column heavily focused on hard news but without politics – he explains in an interview with ANSA -. Now I will touch the other half of the sky. We leave the day after the G7 and a week after the European elections. Then, obviously, we throw everything away if current events come in.”

Fast management and no fights in the studio. “The imprint I want to make – he explains – is to give concrete answers to the problems of the economy, of work, of housing. It will be a program very much based on real issues. I don’t like flights of fancy, I would like clear answers from politicians to resolve the problems”.

For the first episode, space for an interview with former prime minister Mario Monti. Among the guests were journalists Andrea Malaguti, Augusto Minzolini and Agnese Pini. “It will be a balanced audience – assures Soave -. In the first part we will focus on the most current topics, in particular on peace, between Ukraine, the Middle East, but also on the post-G7, on the future of Europe, on tensions in France, while the second part will be more in-depth, to be decided day by day.

We will start from an analysis of the management of water resources, to understand how and why we waste them.”

The presenter will be able to count on an already experienced team. “Tommaso Giuntella will be there with ‘Il moviolone’, but we are also studying a new look for him – he says -. He is now a well-known face of Agorà, for his connections which also have a slightly witty side”. Then there will be other columns, such as Timeline.

One will be on the topic of gender violence, another on safety. “We will also try to experiment, because summer containers also serve to propose new things in view of autumn – underlines Soave -. We will take a look at the beauties of Italy, at the symbolic places of summer holidays. We must also look at the people forced to stay at home, especially in those hours of the morning. We must also direct the debate, because historically Agorà is a program that directs the political day”.

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