“Striped naked and thrown into solitary confinement” – DiLei

“Striped naked and thrown into solitary confinement” – DiLei
“Striped naked and thrown into solitary confinement” – DiLei

Paris Hilton Today she is a 43-year-old mother who has found her balance and her happiness. But behind her glossy and certainly privileged life compared to that of most people – heir to Conrad, founder of the famous luxury hotel chain – there are memories and experiences that have marked her deeply. Paris was a rebellious teenager and for this reason her parents decided to take her to a rehabilitation center for young people. In the facility, however, she did not find what was promised but rather extreme situations that she has been reporting for years and have led her, today, to fight for American children, protecting them from abuse.

Paris Hilton, the painful testimony on abuse

Washington DC, hall of Congress on Capitol Hill. Dressed in a light blue dress, Paris Hilton made her entrance with the usual savoir-faire that distinguishes her but with a very specific objective: to bear her painful testimony, to tell once again how much immediately when she was just a little girl.

On the occasion of the hearing on the Strengthening child welfare and protection programsAmericans, Hilton recalled being sexually abused right where she should have been taken care of, Provo Canyon School in Springfield, Utah. You could call it a rehabilitation center for teenagers, just to give you an idea, but according to the wealthy heiress, it was anything but.

“I know from personal experience the harm caused by being placed in residential facilities for young people,” she began to Congress, explaining that at the age of 16 her parents decided to send her there. They wanted to appease that rebellious girl and a freak who didn’t obey and was indulging in a life of excess that could have damaged her, but the “correction” involved deplorable methods.

“These programs promised healing, growth and support, but instead they didn’t allow me to speak, move freely or even look out the window for two years. (…) I have been forcibly subjected to ingestion of drugs and sexually abused by staff,” she said, going into detail. “I was violently restrained and dragged through the corridors, stripped naked and thrown into solitary confinement“.

The appeal to protect children and adolescents from abuse

Many years have passed since then but the wounds have never gone away. Hilton had already told all this in the documentary This Is Pariswithout ever blaming what happened to the genitori Ricky e Kathy Hiltonwho he always believed had been manipulated and deceived by the institute’s staff.

“I buried my truth for so long – he said in a previous interview with People -. Ma I am proud of the strong woman I have become. People might think that everything in my life has been easy for me, but I want to show the world who I really am.” “As a mom, these stories break my heart. The treatment these kids have had to endure is criminal. I will not stop until America’s youth are safe,” she concluded during Wednesday’s hearing, thinking of her children, Phoenix and London.

The portal Page Six contacted representatives of Universal Health Services, the current owner of the Provo Canyon School who has rejected any type of responsibility, managing the center only since August 2000. There are many former students who have supported Hilton’s claims which, in no uncertain terms , called for the school to be closed.

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