Paola and Chiara separated, unfortunately it divided them forever | Nobody expected it

Paola and Chiara –

They seemed to have reunited after years of distance, but Paola and Chiara are still separated. Nobody expected this news.

How many years have passed since they sang Friends like before? Many, it was 1997 and this song marked the duo’s musical debut Paola and Chiarawho won the Sanremo Festival in New Proposals.

The sisters Iezzi they established themselves in the musical panorama especially in the 2000s when they gave a change to their appearance and style, with winks and movements provocative.

After some experiences as soloists, the duo finally broke up in 2013. A distance that was not only artistic, apparently. The women did not see each other for about 10 years.

Then, the reunion welcomed with great enthusiasm by fans last year, on the stage of the music event that launched them. Is everything resolved? Maybe, but it seems that there is still something between the two something to divide them.

Paola and Chiara: still divided

Guests at very true the nice ones Paola And Clear last year they talked about their separation, about which there was a lot of talk. They thus wanted to clarify: “It’s not true that we couldn’t stand each other anymore, but there were certainly critical moments. We realized we needed the opportunity to understand who we were as individuals.” So much so, he adds Paola, the brunette: “For a few years we didn’t even see each other at Christmas. But the distance served to make us feel even closer afterwards.”

TO 7 of the Courier Instead he jokes: “You have to give people time to miss you, we gave it”. And in the couple’s interview, they both explain, alternating as in a song: “In the distance we rediscovered each other. Before, symbiosis was a scheme. The distance served to make our relationship more authentic. We were a formula. Now we are two adult women, sisters, each with our own tastes and desires. Being a duo today is a choice, not a pattern.”

Paola and Chiara – (photo Instagram @paolaiezzireal)

What divides them today

Paola And Clear today they are 50 and 51 years old respectively, and are decidedly different from their debut. But although it seemed like they were finally back together, it seems that they are separated again. Luckily only on a culinary level! While Paola in fact he prefers classic Mediterranean cuisine, including pasta and pizza, Clear prefers fish and vegetables. One thing though that unites it seems there is: sweets.

And lovers of the rediscovered duo have something to rejoice about: it was released a few days ago the new single Total party, which quickly jumped to the top of the iTunes chart of the best-selling singles in Italy. A real party.

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