«Women drink to give themselves a tone», storm over the words of Antonella Boralevi on Tg2 Post

«Women drink to give themselves a tone, to feel equal to men.” Not the statement of an old male chauvinist, but an “escaped voice of the self”. Antonella Boraleviwriter, commentator and television presenter.

Externalizations to “supply” a service Tg2 Post aired a few nights ago. Guests in the studio to talk about «Made in Italy in the bottle», Boralevi, the sommelier Alessandro Scorsonethe nutritionist Giorgio Calabrese. It is in this context that the writer feels the need to have her say on the alleged relationship between feminine gender and wine. «On the topic of women, perhaps it is better to look at things a bit in the face – Boralevi immediately clarifies -. We have conquered many things (…), but a woman always has to fight with that part of yourself which, I fear is genetic, he doesn’t feel up to it. Women drink like they used to smoke a cigarette, they drink to give themselves a tone.”

And it’s immediately rewind to fiftieswhen socially considered behaviors prerogative of the male sex how those related to smoking and drinking were judged «unseemly» for the female sex. There is still room for one clarification: «We don’t need a glass of wine to know we are valuable – reassures the writer -, better a small dose and above all: never drink alone at home». Everyone in the studio agreed: «Wonderful observation» comments the host Luciano Ghelfi, while Scorsone reminds us that «wine is also an extraordinary means for get to know peopleto conquer them: that’s why women always like it when he comes served a glass of wine”.

Among the first to respond to the statements of the author of “Magnificent Creature”, the journalist Laura Donadoni: «Boralevi’s statements on TV represent the manual of how the patriarchy has worked in the consciences of women in recent centuries.” «The statement on the issue makes us reflect dangers of drinking alone at home – points out the Le Donne del Vino association -. There is nothing strange about tasting a glass alone, if you do it responsibly. As for Scorsone, who says that women like wine because she wants to be conquered, is there anything to comment on?».

Instead, he cites a university study by Luiss, the wine producer Donatella Cinelli Colombini: «Women tend to drink wine outside the home on social occasions, while men they drink more often at home. So things are in reverse of what Boralevi and Scorsone said.”



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