who will have up to 303 euros

who will have up to 303 euros
who will have up to 303 euros

A slightly richer salary in July 2024. About three million Italian workers will in fact find a raise in their paychecks for the month just begun. This is a one-off additional amount: that is, it is received only once. Those who are covered by the national collective labor agreement for employees of companies in the tertiary, commerce, distribution and services Confcommercio will receive it. The increase in question was provided for in the renewal of the labor contract last March: the new one is valid until March 31, 2027. The new contract specifies that the increases only concern those who were already employed on March 22, 2024, the date on which the agreement officially replaced the previous one. However, not everyone will receive the full amount. Let’s see in detail how much it will amount to and which workers are specifically involved.

The pay increase in July 2024 for three million workers

The increase, which is in fact a lump sum in addition to the basic salary, amounts to a total of 350 euros gross for workers classified in the fourth level. However, it will not be paid in full in July, but in two installments: only the first installment, equal to 175 euros, will arrive this month, while the second installment will be paid with the July 2025 paycheck. The figures are re-parameterized for managers and for all other levels. This means that the amount for the fourth level is the amount taken “as a parameter” for those of all other classification levels. In particular:

  • for “middle management” employees we are talking about two tranches of 303.81 euros each: 607.62 euros in total;
  • for the first level the flat rate will be 273.67 euros for each tranche. The total is therefore 547.34 euros;
  • for the second level, 236.73 euros will be paid in July 2024 and 236.73 euros in July 2025 (473.46 euros);
  • third level workers will find 202.34 euros more in both months covered by the increase. In total for them it therefore comes to 404.68 euros;
  • the fourth level, as mentioned, has a total of 350 euros: 175 euros now and 175 euros next year, again in July;
  • the fifth level drops to 158.11 euros: the total amount is therefore 316.22 euros;
  • for the sixth level, 141.95 euros will be paid in July this year and 141.95 euros next year. Adding them together you reach 283.90 euros;
  • finally, seventh level employees will have an increase of 121.53 euros for this month. Putting it together with that of July 2025, it reaches 243.06 euros.

All workers involved

The workers to whom the national collective labor agreement applies with the expected increases are: real estate agents, sales agents and representatives, employees of temporary employment agencies, workers employed in large-scale distribution (in large distribution chains with organized retail), hairdressers and beauticians, workers in cleaning companies, sales operators. Increases which are always flat-rate and divided into two installments are those that the renewal of the national collective agreement has provided for those who work as sales operators. Those falling into the first category will have 165.20 euros in July 2024 and 165.20 euros in July 2025 (for a total of 330.40 euros), while those in the second category will receive 138.69 euros twice (and therefore 277 .38 euros adding the two amounts).

The one-off amount, which is added to that provided for by the extraordinary protocol of 12 December 2022, must be re-proportioned based on the service actually provided between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2023 (the period left uncovered by previous agreements and their additions). This means that not all workers will receive it in full. The increase has no effect on the calculation of the severance pay (Tfr), or any other contractual institution. Furthermore, those who have already received more money as an advance on future increases are not entitled to the flat-rate amount (or in any case not the full amount).

Apprentice workers will also be able to count on higher than usual paychecks as a result of the contract renewal. However, their increase will be proportionate to the economic treatment of the national collective labor agreement of 30 July 2019. For those with a part-time employee contract, the flat rate will be reduced on the basis of the hours worked. The same applies “to cases of unpaid absences or leave, part time, suspensions and/or reductions in working hours agreed with a union agreement, establishments and terminations of employment relationships during the period” starting from 1 January 2022 to March 31, 2023.

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