Green light for the use of the emergency lane for motorbikes in Spain

Green light for the use of the emergency lane for motorbikes in Spain
Green light for the use of the emergency lane for motorbikes in Spain

From January 2025, i Spanish motorcyclists will be able to use the emergency lane in case of traffic congestion. This is the novelty, an absolute first, that is sparking debate throughout Europe, including Italy. The measure, promoted by the Spanish Directorate General of Traffic (DGT), pursuing the objective of making traffic more fluid, especially for the most vulnerable drivers in case of traffic jams, requires compliance with two conditions: a maximum speed of 30 km/h and priority for emergency vehicles.

In Italy, the use of emergency two-wheelers is strictly prohibited, with fines ranging from 430 to 1,731 euros, a 10-point deduction from the license, and possible suspension of the license. However, although illegal, the practice is already widespread, which fuels the debate on regulation. However, an introduction in the near future is to be excluded, as it was not included in the reform proposal presented by the current Government.

In Italy we don’t talk about it

In the bill, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, led by Matteo Salvini, focuses on other issues, such as speed cameras. Speed ​​cameras are considered too many in our peninsula and, in fact, we occupy second place worldwide. Behind only Brazil, we even surpass the United States, in third place despite being 32.5 larger.

A second aspect considered crucial is the restriction on the consumption of alcoholic and narcotic substances before getting behind the wheel. Although it is truly dangerous conduct, many people break the rules and, by tightening the penalties, the authorities hope to dissuade drivers who are allergic to the rules (and common sense). Add to this the clear stance against the use of smartphones while driving and we will understand how much is brewing in the reform of the Highway Code. The text is currently blocked in the Senate, for appropriate discussions, and the measure adopted by the Iberian cousins ​​does not seem to be part of the plans.

The feedback from the associations

Supporters of the emergency lane also reserved for motorbikes highlight its benefits for safety and vehicular flow. On the other side, detractors fear increased chaos and risks. Taking a look online, the conflicting sentiment clearly emerges, but even skeptics will have to accept the measure. Which, we remind you, will be applied starting from the new year. In the coming months the institutions will try to inform the entire population, so that they are prepared for its entry into force.

The turning point implemented in Spain has also sparked debates in Italia. Some motorcycle associations have expressed themselves in favor of a similar experiment, while others prefer alternative solutions such as the strengthening of patrol boats. Both sides put valid arguments on the table, so the ball is now in the court of half of the bodies responsible for legislating on mobility. It is premature to say whether Italy will follow the Spanish example or not. Certainly, the debate is destined to continue, with the aim of reaching a point of balance between safety, traffic flow and compliance with regulations. Although the task appears complicated, it will be necessary to define a solution congenial to each of the actors involved, with priority given to the well-being of the entire community.

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