Highway Code, new obligation from July: a few days and you will no longer be able to back out | Too bad for you if they catch you without it

Highway code, the new obligation from July 2024 – source depositphotos.com – ufficiomotori.it

Less than a month to go: if you don’t comply with the new obligation, you risk very high fines. Here’s what it consists of and what motorists can do to avoid being fined. Your wallet and your savings are at stake, but above all your safety.

Motorists still have little time available to get things right. In fact, a new important obligation will soon come into force that we will have to respect for reasons of a different nature. First of all, there is a very important question, that of road safety, which must be the fundamental principle for everyone when driving. And then there are the fineswhich are increasingly saltier.

From this point of view, there is a very important revolution which has been gaining ground in recent months. Let’s talk about the new Highway Code. The tightening was announced by Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini many months ago and now finally, after months and months of delay, we are almost there. In fact, the decree is about to come into force all that is missing is approval from the Senatethen the new laws will come into force.

In particular, from July 2024 a new important obligation will be triggered that we all (motorists and manufacturers) will have to respect. As we were saying, it is important to respect it above all for our safety.

The new obligation, this is what it consists of

The obligation will start next July 7th and I will cover the ADAS, which are more commonly known as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. From that date, all cars put on the market will have to be equipped with numerous of these systems, which are useful for preventing accidents as well as injuries and deaths on the road.

The most important ADAS that is lately finding its place on an ever-increasing number of cars is the EDR, i.e. the Event Data Recorder. Installed on cars, it is used to record the information needed to reconstruct the dynamics of an accident.

Car driving assistance systems – source stock.adobe – ufficiomotori.it

The new obligations

In addition to the EDR, other ADAS will also be mandatory starting from July 7, 2024. Among these is the ISA, which tells the driver when the speed limit on a certain road is exceeded via visual and audible signals. Then, there is alcohol lockwhich prevents the engine from starting if it detects that the driver is not sober.

They will also be mandatory tiredness warning system or distraction, but also the emergency braking warning and reverse warning.

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