Urgent certified email from the Revenue Agency: “We are forced to ask for payment” | Already reached 3 million Italians

Urgent certified email from the Revenue Agency: “We are forced to ask for payment” | Already reached 3 million Italians
Urgent certified email from the Revenue Agency: “We are forced to ask for payment” | Already reached 3 million Italians

Be careful of this fake email that could make you lose a lot of money. This is a sneaky phishing attempt

The scams unfortunately they are always around the corner and never leave us in peace. It’s up to us to try to recognize and then prevent them. However, the criminals periodically change their strategy to try to lure as many people as possible into their trap.

The methods of action are among the most varied and range from phone calls to messages up to e-mail. The objective, however, remains the same, that is to try to extort money from unsuspecting victims.

At this stage, a rather disconcerting deception attempt which occurs through a rather disconcerting scam is quite popular Pec which at first glance appears to belong to an important national body.

All that remains is go and find out all the details of the case so that they can defend themselves in the event of a shady attack. Below are all the specifications complete with an image that proves it all.

The details of the deleterious PEC

In practice we pass ourselves off as theRevenue Agency requesting the payment of undue taxes in a very short time. All strictly in cryptocurrency, which should already raise alarm bells.

For all the details it is fine read the email below. But it doesn’t end here. False telephone communications from both Italian and foreign numbers (for example with the prefix +44) could also be part of the evil plan. However, some details can help avoid the worst.

Phishing emails (Source: Revenue Agency) – palermolive.it

How to unmask these dangerous scams

Among these we can include: Revenue Agency logos (which is copied in a workmanlike manner), calculation statements and fake tax bills, grammatical and punctuation errors and omissions in the text. Other clear signals are also the threats of involvement of a debt collection body or the sense of urgency with which payment is requested. For this reason it is good to always be very cautious when reading this email.

It is always recommended to check carefully in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Word of mouth and reporting to the police the main weapons to be used remain, as well as not responding and blocking these individuals who have nothing better to do than try to take the money that honest people earn honestly. It should also be remembered that the Revenue Agency does not communicate in this way and has naturally dissociated itself from all this.

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