Half a million jobs available. The most searched figures

Half a million jobs available. The most searched figures
Half a million jobs available. The most searched figures

AGI – They are approximately 566 thousand job opportunities offered by companies in June and rose to almost 1.4 million in the June-August quarter, with an almost stable trend compared to June 2023 (-0.3%) and a slight increase on the corresponding quarter (+0.6%).

During the month, the best dynamics were recorded by construction (+16.6%), trade (+10.5%) and advanced services (+11.5%). However, the manufacturing sector was down (-5.6%). Even in June, 47.6% of the profiles searched for were difficult to find (+1.6 pp compared to the previous year). This scenario is outlined by the Excelsior Information System Bulletin, created by Unioncamere and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.

In the current month, the manufacturing sector is overall looking for 84 thousand workers in June and 223 thousand in the quarter. The greatest job opportunities are offered by the industries of mechatronics that they seek 21 thousand workers in the month and 55 thousand in the quarter, followed by metallurgical industries and metal products (15 thousand in the month and 39 thousand in the quarter) and from food, beverages and tobacco (13 thousand in the month and 46 thousand in the quarter).

On the other hand, the demand for labor coming from the manufacturing sector construction stands at almost 52 thousand hiresin June and over 130 thousand hires in the quarter. On the other hand, 430 thousand employment contracts are being offered by the service sector in the current month and over 1 million are expected in the June-August quarter.

It is tourism that offers the greatest opportunities of employment with approximately 161 thousand workers sought in the month and 351 thousand in the quarter, followed by trade (76 thousand in the month and 190 thousand in the quarter), by the personal services sector (71 thousand in the month and 169 thousand in the quarter).

From a territorial point of view, the South recorded the most significant trend balance (+3.8 thousand on June and +19 thousand on the quarter) supported, in particular, by the positive dynamics of construction and trade; the decline in manufacturing penalizes the other geographical areas, especially the North East (overall -4.4 thousand in the month and -10.3 thousand in the quarter); more stable, again compared to a year ago, in the North West and Centre.

The greatest opportunities are reported by medium-sized companies with approximately 196 thousand contracts expected in June. There are around 270 thousand hires for which companies have declared they have encountered difficulties in finding the right profile.

The Excelsior Information System Professions Marketplace highlights among the technical and highly specialized professions: technicians in the engineering field with 66.7% difficult to find, followed by technicians managing the production processes of goods and services (58.5%), by technicians in commercial distribution (58.1%), by engineers and IT technicians (both 56.7%), while among the figures of specialized workers include foundries, welders, tinsmiths, boilermakers, metal carpentry assemblers (75.1%), specialized workers assigned to finishing constructions (73.1%) and blacksmiths, tool builders (70.2%) . Machine workers in the textile and clothing industry are also difficult to find (76.3%).

The demand for immigrant workers remains high, although slightly decreasing compared to last year, with 104 thousand entries scheduled for the month, equal to 18.4% of the total. Among the sectors that make most use of foreign labour, operational support services for businesses and people are confirmed (34.3% of scheduled entries will be covered by immigrant personnel), transport, logistics and warehousing services (28.4%) , metallurgy (22.6%) and construction (21.8%).

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