The energy of the future, lights and shadows under the lens of science LIVE FROM 10.00 – Energy

The energy of the future, lights and shadows under the lens of science LIVE FROM 10.00 – Energy
The energy of the future, lights and shadows under the lens of science LIVE FROM 10.00 – Energy

Fromenergy efficiency at renewablefrom the sustainable mobility up to nuclear fusion: there are several tools that science offers to face the challenge of energy transition. THE pros and cons of each solution They are addressed in a discussion that is as objective as possible by Italian and international experts, gathered in Rome on 10 and 11 June for the conference ‘Energy: the necessary and the possible’, first appointment of the series of meetings ‘The future of Humanity’ ‘ promoted by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

The aim of the demonstrations is to address scientific, cultural and social issues that concern the progress and future of man and which arouse great interest or perplexity in public opinion, to fully understand and discuss all aspects, including the negative ones.

The cycle begins with a discussion on the topic of energy which also played a crucial role in the European elections. “The energy transition is now an issue that can no longer be postponed, but it is so complex that it is impossible to say whether our society will truly be zero impact by 2050”, says Francesco Pegoraro, professor emeritus of the University of Pisa and Linceo among the organizers of the event.

“There are technologies like renewable which can be implemented in the short term, but which do not yet appear to be decisive. Then there are technologies such as new generation nuclear power which will only be ready in tens of years, provided they are accepted by the population”. Every choice that will be made will certainly have social and economic costs and for this reason “the Accademia dei Lincei can do its part with a correct information to the publicbased on data and let it go beyond the slogans and party interests”.

The conference mainly analyzes the national and European perspective, but, since the ecological transition is a global problem, it will also give space to emerging countries and new economic powers, “which in terms of number of inhabitants and growth will be the main players in the energy transition”, underlines Pegoraro.

At the end of the proceedings, on Tuesday 11 June at 5.30 pm, a round table will be held with Roberto Cingolani, CEO of Leonardo, Gilberto Dialuce, president of Enea, Ignazio Musu, Linceo and professor of political economy at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and Valeria Termini, professor of political economy at the University of Roma Tre.

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