Tax return, epochal turning point: now you also have to declare gifts from parents and grandparents

Loan – Fonte_depositphotos –

If you ask for a loan, the tax authorities will find you immediately and you will have to pay a truly disproportionate sum. It seems absurd.

Italy has decided to widely hunt down all those who are guilty of being tax evaders. The task of the Italian tax authorities is to carry out checks to ensure that everyone fulfills their duties correctly.

In 2024 there are still too many smart people who decide not to pay taxes, not to live up to the commitment they have with the SItalian father. On the other hand, it is also true that the level of taxation in our nation is far too high and this puts all citizens in difficulty who a lot of difficulty they can cope with it without feeling in clear difficulty.

Sometimes you decide, to be able to deal with the economic aspect of your family with more peace of mind, you could ask for a loan. A sum of money to be repaid in monthly or periodic installments.

The real problem that needs to be addressed, however, is the possibility of being asked for the payment of a certain sum of money as taxes to be paid due to the loan received. I mean, what do you say? Adding insult to injury?

When you don’t turn to banks for the loan

The Italian economic system provides the possibility of also turning to private individuals in order to obtain a very useful loan for reviving the economic fortunes of the person in question. Among the most common loans between private individuals there is certainly that of lending parents of the money to their children.

In this specific case we ask ourselves how it is possible to proceed the restituition, without however risking there being a tax audit. This type of loan generally does not involve the need to pay interest, but to avoid receiving tax checks it is good to know some specific elements.

Parent-child loan – Fonte_corporate –

How to avoid tax checks

The real problem is that, by receiving money on loan and repaying it in instalments, it could be seen by the Revenue Agency as a laundering of black money. Precisely for this reason we need to pay close attention.

The advice offered in this regard is to always draw up a written contractwhich has a certain date that is proven, for example, by a postmark or digital marking. In this case, the reason must be clearly stated on the transfers for the refund of the amount. In this specific case it will be possible to avoid checks by the tax authorities.

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